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Parentless Categories

开发者 coffee2code
更新时间 2023年8月23日 02:07
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


categories list category coffee2code the_category


1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.4 1.1.5 2.0 2.0.1 2.0.2 2.0.3 2.0.4 2.0.5 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2.1 1.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.5 1.0 2.2


This plugin provides a template tag which acts as a modified version of WordPress's built-in template tag, the_category(). the_category() lists all categories directly assigned to the specified post. c2c_parentless_categories() lists those categories, except for categories that are parents to other assigned categories. For example, assume your category structure is hierarchical and looks like this: Vegetables |-- Leafy | |-- Broccoli | |-- Bok Choy | |-- Celery |-- Fruiting | |-- Bell Pepper | |-- Cucumber | |-- Pumpkin |-- Podded | |-- Chickpea | |-- Lentil | |-- Soybean If you directly assigned the categories "Fruiting", "Cucumber", and "Pumpkin" to a post, c2c_parentless_categories() would return a list that consists of: "Cucumber", and "Pumpkin". Notice that since "Fruiting" was a parent to a directly assigned category, it is not included in the list. By default, categories are listed as an HTML list. The first argument to the template tag allows you to define a custom separator, e.g. to have a simple comma-separated list of categories: <?php c2c_parentless_categories( ',' ); ?>. As with categories listed via the_category(), categories that are listed are presented as links to the respective category's archive page. Example usage (based on preceding example): Outputs something like: `*<?php c2c_parentless_categories( ',' ); ?>` Outputs something like: <a href="">Cucumber</a>, <a href="">Pumpkin</a> Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage


  1. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or install the plugin code inside the plugins directory for your site (typically /wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' admin menu in WordPress
  3. Optional: Add filters for 'c2c_parentless_categories_list' to filter parentless category listing
  4. Use the template tag <?php c2c_parentless_categories(); ?> in a theme template somewhere inside "the loop"


2.2.1 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 6.3+ and updated copyright date (2023) 2.2 Minor update: removed support for long-deprecated functions (parentless_categories(), get_parentless_categories_list(), get_parentless_categories()), added, noted compatibility through WP 5.8+, and minor reorganization and tweaks to unit tests 2.1.5 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 5.7+ and updated copyright date (2021) 2.1.4 Trivial update: Restructured unit test file structure and noted compatibility through WP 5.5+. 2.1.3 Trivial update: Reworded plugin description, added file, fixed some documentation typos, updated a few URLs to be HTTPS, and noted compatibility through WP 5.4+ 2.1.2 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 5.3+ and updated copyright date (2020) 2.1.1 Trivial update: modernized unit tests and noted compatibility through WP 5.2+ 2.1 Minor update: checked for post type's support of categories, created to store historical changelog outside of readme.txt, noted compatibility through WP 5.1+, updated copyright date (2019), and minor code improvements 2.0.5 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 4.9+, added for GitHub, updated copyright date (2018), and other minor changes 2.0.4 Recommended minor update: fixed PHP warning in WP 4.7 due to function deprecation, noted compatibility through WP 4.7+, updated copyright date 2.0.3 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 4.4+ and updated copyright date (2016) 2.0.2 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 4.1+ and updated copyright date 2.0.1 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 4.0+; added plugin icon. 2.0 Major update: deprecated all existing functions and filters in favor of 'c2c_' prepended versions; added unit tests; noted compatibility is now only for WP 3.6-3.8+ 1.1.5 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 3.5+ 1.1.4 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 3.4+; explicitly stated license 1.1.3 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 3.3+ 1.1.2 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 3.2+ 1.1.1 Trivial update: documentation tweaks; noted compatibility with WP 3.1+ and updated copyright date. 1.1 Minor update. Highlights: miscellaneous non-functionality tweaks; verified WP 3.0 compatibility.


Why isn't an assigned category for the post showing up in the c2c_parentless_categories() listing?

If an assigned category is the parent for one or more other assigned categories for the post, then the category parent is not included in the listing.

Does this plugin include unit tests?



2.2.1 (2023-05-20) 2.2 (2021-10-22) Highlights: This minor release removes support for long-deprecated functions (parentless_categories(), get_parentless_categories_list(), get_parentless_categories()), adds, notes compatibility through WP 5.8+, and minor reorganization and tweaks to unit tests. Details: 2.1.5 (2021-04-16)