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ABC Crypto Checkout

开发者 payerurl team
Payerurl team
更新时间 2025年3月3日 14:35
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.2
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


ethereum Bitcoin coinbase Binance USDT USDC TON


1.5.1 1.0.9 1.2.7 1.4.3 1.0.3 1.0.6 1.0.1 1.1.5 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.3.0 1.3.4 1.2.1 1.4.4 1.0.2 1.0.7 1.1.2 1.1.4 1.0.4 1.4 1.5.2 1.0.5 1.5.0 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6.0 1.0.0 1.4.2 1.4.5 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.0.8 1.1.1 1.1.3 1.6.1


Live Demo | Setup Video Introduction ABC Crypto plugin is powered by Payerurl. ABC Crypto Checkout is a cryptocurrency payment processor. Merchant/website owner will receive customer payments direct to your crypto wallet without helping any middleware account. We support USDT TRC20, USDC ERC20, USDT ERC20, Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ERC20, TON coin and Binance pay payment through WooCommerce platform. It will be a good option for you, while you are looking for a Binance pay plugin in WordPress. Payerurl is able to Receive your crypto payments through Binance pay and ABC plugin acting as Binance Woocommerce Bridge. This plugin is supported by woocommerce order processing functions so it would be a smoother experience for your users as they never have to leave your website to make payments. The ABC plugin converts any Fiat currency to USDT, USDC, ETH, BTC, TON coin etc at the time of the transaction with a live exchange rate to pay the user online, and once payment is complete instantly credits to the merchant’s account and also provides a response to the merchant website payment information through API for the change Order status to "processing". In payerurl dashboard merchant/website owner can add their binance pay account using Binance pay API, so that merchant/website owner can start receiving customer payment directly to their own binance pay account. KEY FEATURES 🔸 Binance Pay, USDT TRC20,USDT ERC20,USDC ERC20,Bitcoin BTC, ETH ERC20, TON coin 🔸 169+ fiat currencies FIAT CURRENCY LIST including USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR. etc including real-time exchange rate. (View the current exchange rate at: Exchange Rate (LIVE)). 🔸 100% Free Open Source Plug-in on. 🔸 No Bank Account Needed or no personal identity as mandatory 🔸 Easy signup, registration, and API key integration 🔸 No KYC on withdraw for free account(Basic account). 🔸 24/7 customer support in the integration of ABC Crypto checkout contact us telegram: 🔸 Tested OK with WooCommerce 6.3 or up. Ecommerce Plugins and Integration WooCommerce, PHP , Python, Node, Dhru Fusion ABOUT PAYERURL is a payment processor that allows customers to transfer cryptocurrency payments directly to the merchant wallet. Additionally, merchants can integrate the Binance Pay API, and also can add USDT TRC20, USDT ERC20, ETH ERC20, Bitcoin BTC, TON, USDC ERC20 receiving wallets. We use the current exchange rate to convert any local currency from the merchant’s website, and we give the merchant receiving wallet to the consumer in exchange for the corresponding amount of cryptocurrency.



  • Go to Payerurl Dashboard(, under sign up menu click on create account. Fill the basic info and complete Registration process.
  • Now, to integrate plugin you must need an API public key and secret key, click on Get API credentials and under there click Generate New API Keys. You will get yourself a unique API public and secret key.
  • Navigate to your website's admin panel login dashboard > WooCommerce » Settings » Payments, Select "Enable ABC crypto checkout plugin".
  • Paste the unique API public and secret key and click on test the credentials. You will find a notification like "both API key and secret key found". Now, you are ready to use the Payerurl plugin.
  • The customer places an order from your website. To proceed to checks out customer use ABC Crypto Checkout payment gateway to pay his/her preferred amount equivalent crypto.
  • Customer has to click on his/her desired payment networks to proceed.
  • A new window pop-up with QR code generate in customers screen. This QR code included with payment invoice and payment description. Customer scans the QR code or copies the code address from his/her device and make a payment.
  • The transaction will automatically approved by after the blockchain network confirmation. The customer will see a confirmation screen with payment receive receipt that includes unique transaction Id and real hash link.
  • After successful payment a customer note will be added in the order details page in merchant website.
  • Merchant will also receive an email notification with payment details.
  • At the same time crypto amount will be deposited to the merchants account also listed in transaction history page.


1.3.0 Added: description change 1.3.0 Added: Notification of api credencials chack before save 1.2.7 Added: contact address added on error. 1.2.3 Added: Added a feature of pre check API credentials. 1.2.2 Added: security update on and api check before payment request 1.1.9 Added: solve $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] issue for some merchants hosting 1.1.6 Added: Remove the unnecessary email notification from the "cancel and return" button on the payment page. 1.1.5 Added: Before enabling this payment method option on the checkout page, check the store currency with our list of accepted currencies. Enable log management 1.1.4 Added: request trace log added in the receier page 1.1.3 Added: Registration process change. 1.1.2 Added: merchant coin address activation progress 1.1.1 Added: Cancel and return link redirect to checkout page Brand logo update 1.0.8 Brand logo update through plugin 1.0.7 External fee feature added, Tolerance feature added 1.0.6 binance pay option added. hash link updated, banner changes. 1.0.5 API link added. title changes, banner changes. 1.0.4 Simply install the update. No further action is needed. 1.0.3 Simply install the update. No further action is needed.


1.7.1 Added: Add HPOS 1.7 Added: New Feature "Discount" added react version update 1.6 Added: disable tollarence amount option disable logo update option 1.5.4 Added: readmy description change 1.5.3 Added: error notification change 1.5.1 Added: api url change for registration 1.5.1 Added: api version 2 supported 1.5.0 Added: added support for woocommerce blocks 1.4.5 Added: Updated uninstallation hook 1.4.4 Added: Tested up to wordpress v 1,4.1 1.4.1 Added: Security feature update on server side 1.4 Added: Fee Settings applied specifically for this plugin; they won't affect any other plugins 1.3.3 Added: Security feature added 1.3.1 Added: API check and auto save added 1.3.0 Added: Notification of api credencials chack before save 1.2.8 Added: contact address added on error. 1.2.7 Added: Live Demo added. 1.2.5 Added: security feature added server end. 1.2.4 Added: API credentials check validation optimization. 1.2.3 Added: Added a feature of pre check API credentials. 1.2.2 Added: security update on and api check before payment request 1.1.9 Added: solve $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] issue for some merchants hosting 1.1.7 Added: Signature doesn't match with all input return. 1.1.6 Added: Remove the unnecessary email notification from the "cancel and return" button on the payment page. 1.1.5 Added: Before enabling this payment method option on the checkout page, check the store currency with our list of accepted currencies. Enable log management 1.1.4 Added: request trace log added in the receiver page 1.1.3 Added: Registration process change. 1.1.2 Added: error code added on ever request or failed request. error code added on ever response or failed response. 1.1.1 Added: After payment customer can choose status. Item description added 1.1.0 Added: Default select "processing" for after_payment_order_status 1.0.9 Added: Media upload problem solve 1.0.8 Added: Brand logo update through plugin Transaction details added 1.0.7 Added: External fee system added Tolerance system added 1.0.6 Added: Hash link change Binance Pay added Banner change 1.0.5 Added: Api link added. banner change title change 1.0.4 Added: get api key link added. icon change 1.0.3 Added: New coin added icon change