Accept online payments on WooCommerce via
4Geeks Payments
in minutes, no days. It support major cards brands like Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
Backed by a friendly Console to get updates on the go.
Main Features
- 5 min onboarding process. No banking contracts needed.
- Process payments from Visa, MasterCard and American Express, issued globally.
- Payouts to your bank account, for free.
- Charge in more than 20 currencies.
- Real-time reports.
- Refunds for free.
- 3D-Secure
- 24/7 support via documentation.
client_id and
client_secret on
Supported countries
Your company must be incorporated in any of following countries:
* Australia
* Austria
* Belgium
* Canada
* Costa Rica
* Cyprus
* Denmark
* Estonia
* Finland
* France
* Germany
* Greece
* Ireland
* Italy
* Japan
* Latvia
* Lithuania
* Luxembourg
* Malta
* Mexico
* Netherlands
* New Zealand
* Norway
* Poland
* Portugal
* Singapore
* Slovakia
* Slovenia
* Spain
* Sweden
* Switzerland
* Panama
* United Kingdom
* United States
fees per country.
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