PEPS Media SEO Simple, some features:
- The plugin is totally free and has no paid or pro-version. You can use it to the max!
- Very lightweight, just +/-15kb of code.
- This plugin adds features that WordPress or themes often lack by default.
- Edit the title and description tag of any post or page.
- Set a social share image from your media library.
- Adds Twitter card tags.
- Open Graph Protocol tags are automatically generated for each page or post, based on the information you enter. Like OG: title, description, share image, url, alt tags etc.
- If you are an admin it lets you add custom code to the header, after body open and footer sections of each page.
- Thus you can easily add custom CSS or JavaScript, Google Analytics, Tag Manager code or some third party code.
- Set a single page or post to 'noindex' so search engines won't show that page or post in the search results.
- Option to disable Attachment Pages (from WP 6.4).
- Option to disable the 'user' and 'author' sitemaps.
- A [year] shortcode is available, so you can easily display the current year anywhere.
- You can also use shortcodes in the title and meta description fields.
3.10 - Added option to disable the 'user' and 'author' sitemaps, which are automatically being created by WP.
3.9 - Improved the plugin's code. Added the option to keep or delete all data when the plugin is deleted. Added option to Disable Attachment Pages, an option supported from WordPress 6.4 and later.
3.8 - Added ability to add months to the [year monthsahead='14'] shortcode. Fixed minor bug.
3.7 - Updated the meta property 'og:url' to reflect the actual page url, not the permalink url. Updated the page title handling.
3.6 - Added shortcode support for the title and meta description + the [year] shortcode.
3.5 - Some minor fixes / improvements. Plugin is running well oiled.
3.4 - Final title fix.
3.3.1 - Quick fix. Added an empty title check.
3.3 - Refactored some code. Added the ability to set a social share image directly from your media library.
3.2 - Adds the option to set an individual page or post to no-index. Added some more meta tags.
3.1 - Added Title + Description support for Twitter meta tags
3.0 - Public release
2.0 - Beta
1.0 - Alpha