A very simple plugin to add Responsive photo gallery, Responsive image album in your WordPress Website, using custom post type section and display it on frontend of your website in a Grid, Slider Portfolio filter or carousel view with the help of shortcode.
This Plugin Enables to create several media such as image gallery, photo & image albums, portfolio filter and also simple picture to an image slider with popupbox or image lightbox and image carousel. also you can create multiple image Album with using category.
- No Need Coding Skills.
- Online Free Help for Setup.
- 7+ Design Template available.
- No need of any settings.
- Create multiple photo Album using category.
- You can easily true/false and customize every field.
- Set your Photo Gallery withing 2 minutes.
- Fully Responsive and Mobile friendly.
- Easy Shortcode Generator.
- Create multiple Gallery using category.
- Beautiful, light-weight.
- Add unlimited image Gallery.
- Unique settings for each image gallery.
- Fully SEO Friendly.
Photo Grid, Photo slider Photo Album Grid, Photo Album Slider, image Portfolio Filter works with 7+ Design template
This plugin Working with five shortcode:-
: Displays Image in Grid view.
: Displays image in Slider view.
: Displays Image Album in Grid view.
: Displays Image Album in Slider view.
: Displays Image Portfolio Filter view.
Common shortcode paramaters for Photo Grid, Slider, Album Grid, Album Slider and Portfolio Filter view.
- ID:
like: id="185" ( ie. Gallery id for which you want to display images. (for Image Grid, Image slider only.))
- cell:
like: cell="4" ( ie. set image Grid(cell). for each row.)
- template:
like: template="template-3" (ie. there are 7+ Design template.)
- link_target:
like: link_target= "new-tab" (ie. Click on image open in new Tab. Note:- Must do popup="false").
- image_height:
like: image_height= "300" (ie. Set image height like 300px).
- show_title:
like: show_title= "false" (ie. Show image title. Value are true/ false).
- show_description:
like: show_description= "false" (ie. Show image Description. Value are true/ false).
- show_caption:
like: show_caption= "false" (ie. Show image Description. Value are true/ false).
- order:
like: order= "ASC" (ie. change order like ascending and descending value: ASC/DESC) (no need to use image grid and image slider).
- order_by:
like: order_by= "ID" (ie. change order by like ID, author, title, name, rand, date. value: ASC/DESC) (no need to use image grid and image slider).
- image_size:
like: image_size= "full" (ie. Set image size. Value are full, medium, large, thumbnail).
- popup:
like: popup= "false" (ie. For Click on image and open on popupbox).
other shortcode paramaters for Photo slider and Photo Album slider.
- slidestoscroll:
like: slidestoscroll= "1" (Scroll number of images at a time).
- dots:
like: dots= "false" (ie. Show image Pagination Dots. Value are true/ false).
- arrows:
like: arrows= "false" (ie. Show image Pagination Dots. Value are true/ false).
- autoplay:
like: autoplay= "false" (ie. Move slider automatically.. Value are true/ false).
- autoplay_interval:
like: autoplay_interval= 2000" (ie. Delay between two slides.).
- speed:
like: speed= 300" (ie. Slider slides moving speed).
other shortcode paramaters for album grid and album slider.
- album_cell:
like: album_cell="4" ( ie. Set album Grid(cell). for each row.)
- album_link_target:
like: album_link_target= "new-tab" (ie. Click on image open in new Tab. must be need popup="false").
- album_height:
like: album_height= "300" (ie. Set image height like 300px).
- album_title:
like: album_title= "false" (ie. Show album title. Value are true/ false).
- album_description:
like: album_description= "false" (ie. Show album description. Value are true/ false).
- album_full_content:
like: album_full_content= "false" (ie. Show album Full description. Value are true/ false).
- words_limit:
like: words_limit= "50" (ie. If no need to full content. so set word limit).
- content_tail:
like: content_tail= "..." (ie. Set content tail sign).
- limit:
like: limit= "5" (ie. Set how many recent album show. default all album show).
- category:
like: category= "7" (ie. If need multiple album you can use category id).
- total_photo:
like: total_photo= "8" (ie. Change total no of photo text).
Template code is
<?php echo do_shortcode('[pgr_grid]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[pgr_slider]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[pgr_album_grid]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[pgr_album_slider]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[pgr_portfolio]'); ?>
How to install & Setup Plugin :