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Photographer Connections

开发者 Marty Thornley
更新时间 2011年5月7日 08:53
PHP版本: 2.9.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.1


contact form 7 photography SmugMug ShootQ Pictage Album Exposure


1.1 1.2


This plugin connects different photography related API's to WordPress. It adds certain template tags and short codes but for the most part is meant as a means of communication with the photography sites. Other plugins can then use that information. For Example: ShootQ integration allows contact forms to send info to ShootQ, using Contact Form 7. Short Codes
  1. [shootq_form]
  2. [pictage_events]
  3. [smugmug_albums]
  4. [album_exposure]


Install and activate the plugin. You will need accounts with each site to use them: General Album Exposure Add short code [album_exposure] to any page to embed the Album Exposure app inside your site. Select the 'Album Exposure' page template to make it go full screen. If the 'Album Exposure' template was not added to your theme, you can download a sample from 'Photographer Connections->Album Exposure' Pictage Pictage allows you to list all your active events. Just add the shortcode [pictage_events] to any post or page. SmugMug To display all SmugMug albums, use [smugmug_albums]. To display one album, use [smugmug_albums album="My Album Name"] Look on the SmugMug settings page after you save your account info and it will include shortcodes for all available albums. ShootQ To embed the contact form provided by ShootQ, add the shortcode [shootq_form] to any post or page. To have contact form information sent to ShootQ, you need to install and use Contact Form 7: Install Contact Form 7 and set up a form. The plugin should also work with the contact forms in ProPhotoBlogs Version 3, but has not been fully tested. ShootQ with Contact Form 7 In order for your Contact Form 7 forms to send info to ShootQ, they must use fields with these names. General Info: For Wedding Events: For Portrait Events:


1.2 1.1 New Module Album Exposure - visit 1.0 0.1