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Photographers galleries

开发者 aurelienpierre
更新时间 2022年1月5日 22:07
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.8.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


photo gallery responsive taxonomy html5 jetpack exif carousel pictures


0.4.1 0.4.2 1.0.9 0.4 0.3 1.0 1.0.2 1.0.4 1.0.6 1.0.7 1.0.8 1.0.1 1.1.0 0.3.1


What ? This is a lightweight plugin to display dynamic or static galleries on posts and pages with minimal overhead and using only native WordPress media. Main features:
  1. enable responsive images sizes (visitors get served the closest image size to their actual display resolution),
  2. enable custom taxinomies, tags, comments, author, comments for media attachments,
  3. make images queryable by tags, comments, taxinomies, etc. to display dynamic galleries from a shortcode,
  4. provide shortcode wrappers for default WordPress galleries to enable advanced layouts (carousel, exhibition, no caption, etc.),
  5. style default column galleries in a masonry way,
  6. add EXIF metadata in media admin view,
  7. fully responsive (height and width),
  8. provide elegant, minimalist looks that put emphasis on image content first and never crop images to fit in an arbitrary layout.
The look is inspired by art books and museums exhibitions, meant to allow a flawless and non-intrusive full-screen experience, so you can design your website as a webapp. Why ? Most fancy gallery plugins will add their gallery manager on top of WordPress, which already has one… Then, they will crop images to fit within their fancy layout. Unfortunately, if you are an artist, the way you composed and framed your picture is no accident and should be honored by whatever display system you use. After all that, they will add an awful bloat of jQuery madness that will put a hole in your Page Speed score and kill your loading time. Finally, they will distract visitors from your content with all their fancy effects that make your CPU overheat for nothing. Picture-based websites were already heavy, these will make sure to give them the final blow... We need better. How ? The JS weighs only 5.2 kB, and the CSS 7.2 kB.


Install and activate the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. There is no configuration page. Don't forget to visit the Demo, which presents examples and code to get them. Dynamic gallery This shortcode fetches all the pictures from a taxonomy (galleries, models, locations, tags) to build a dynamic gallery (which will be updated as soon as you add a picture to the corresponding taxonomy). All the display is processed by the regular WordPress shortcode, we just give it the pictures to show (meaning that your default styles, Jetpack, lightboxes etc. will work).
  1. Create a regular WordPress gallery on the desired page with the desired settings and dumb content
  2. Switch to the text editor in your post. You should see something like [gallery size="full" link="file" type="rectangular" ids="4127,4126"]
  3. Strip the ids argument and rename the shortcode dynamic_gallery like [dynamic_gallery size="full" link="file" type="rectangular"]
  4. Add the desired taxonomy as an argument, for example gallery="portraits". You can add several conditions and use any of the galleries wrappers below.
  5. Tweak it with more arguments.
Example : [dynamic_gallery gallery='portraits' location='montreal' size="full" link="file" columns='4'] Arguments : Note that if you give more than one condition, the conditions are added with AND. There is no way to exlude pictures for now. Galleries aligned by their caption By default, pictures of different heights are aligned along their top border. To align them along their bottom border (meaning to have all the captions on the same line), use the [aligncaption] shortcode like this : [aligncaption][gallery ids=""][/aligncaption]. Please be aware that other galleries types may be more suitable if you have different heights on the same gallery (e.g. tiled or masonry galleries), this is just a quick hook to improve captions readability. Galleries without caption Photographers galleries allows you to display galleries without image captions even if they have one stored in the database. The fact is if you delete or alter the caption of a picture in a WordPress gallery, the media will be altered too in the database and probably elsewhere if you used it on another page, which might be a problem. Here, we will just hide it. Put your gallery shortcode in a [nocaption] shortcode like this : [nocaption][gallery ids=""][/nocaption] Carousel Just put your regular gallery shortcode in [carousel] shortcode like this : [carousel][gallery ids="" size="full"][/carousel]. Ensure your picture resolution is high enough to fit modern screens without stretching (2048 px on the large side is recommended). Since WordPress 4.4, the size you set does not matter since WP will load all available thumbnails in srcset. However, you need to set something, otherwise WP will default to square cropped thumbnails. Example of use : [carousel w="50%" h="66vh" align="left" caption="hide" title="Fancy"] [gallery size="large" link="file" ids=""] [/carousel] Arguments : Please notice that the height argument sets the actual image height, not the whole carousel height, so don't forget to leave some room for the captions (0.9em + 2ex) and the scrolling bar (around 20px). Each carousel on the page gets its own ID and settings, meaning that you can use several carousels on the same page with various settings. Exhibitions They work very similarly to carousels : [exhibition][gallery ids="" size="full"][/exhibition]. Arguments : All the same as carousels, plus a look argument to choose the styling :


1.1.0 Minor CSS height rework for carousels. 1.0.9 Add EXIF metadata display in media view. Force WebP thumbnails to quality = 90 because WP default (quality = 75) shows posterization in smooth gradients 1.0.8 Fix a margin regression in exhibitions 1.0.7 Improvements of captions: 1.0.6 Improvements for touch and small devices: Bugfixes: 1.0.4 1.0.3 Remove legacy code to display custom media taxinomies on media pages. This feature is now in WordPress core. 1.0.2 Fix minor CSS issues, improve carousel arrows legibility and make them smaller. 1.0.1 Fix a potential issue in PHP scripts including 1.0 0.4 0.3.1 Minor default style tweaks 0.3 Add custom taxonomies, tags, comments and categories to attachments 0.2 Add some shortcodes 0.1 Initial version