How do I get started?
Visit to obtain a free key. Paste the key in Settings -> Plugin Menu -> PhotoSynth Key
Use the shortcode [photosynth-img url="..." other_attribs...]
The following optional attributes are available:
- adaptivehistogram = 0 - 100
- blur = 0.2 - 20.0
- brightness = 0.0 - 20.0
- crop = Left,Top,Right,Bottom (comma separated int percentages 0-99)
- format: "avif", "gif", "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "webp" (default: webp)
- gamma = 1.0 - 3.0
- greyscale = true / false
- height = 1 - 5000 (omit width to preserve aspect ratio)
- hue = 0.0 - 180.0
- lightness = 0.0 - 200.0
- normalize = Lower,Upper (comma separated ints 1-99)
- saturation = 0.0 - 20.0
- sharpen = 0.1 - 10.0
- style: CSS style (defaults to 'display: block').
- url = URL of the source image
- width = 1 - 5000 (omit height to preserve aspect ratio)