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Project Honey Pot Http:BL

开发者 Thaya Kareeson
更新时间 2008年11月17日 17:43
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.6


spam security block filter anti-spam comment crawler harvester project honey pot httpbl


1.3.0 1.0 1.0.1 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.3.1


!!UPDATE!! This plugin is no longer supported/updated as I have joined my development efforts with Jan Stepien and his original http:BL plugin. Please use http:BL plugin instead: Project Honey Pot Http:BL allows you to verify visitors' IP address against the Project Honey Pot database. Using the Http:BL API, this plugin flags, logs, and blocks visitors with a high threat score, helping you prevent harvesters, spammers, or other suspicious bots from abusing your blog. This plugin requires you to sign up for a free account at Project Honey Pot ( so that you can use their Http:BL API to verify your visitors. This plugin is based on Jan Stepien's http:BL version 1.4 (


  1. Upload the plugin to your plugins folder: wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the 'Project Honey Pot Http:BL' plugin from the Plugins admin panel.
  3. Go to the Options -> PHP Http:BL admin panel to configure the plugin.
  4. Enter your Project Honey Pot Access Key. (If you've already signed up for a free account at, you can get the access key from
  5. (optional) Change Personal Honey Pot link. This is the link that blocked visitors get redirected to. Optimally, you would want to put some kind of bot trap URL here.
  6. (optional) Disable logging or 'Log only blocked visitors' if you want to save database space.
  7. (optional) Enable statistics display and place php_httpbl_stats() in your theme.


What is Project Honey Pot?

Project Honey Pot is the first and only distributed system for identifying spammers and the spambots they use to scrape addresses from your website. Using the Project Honey Pot system you can install addresses that are custom-tagged to the time and IP address of a visitor to your site. If one of these addresses begins receiving email we not only can tell that the messages are spam, but also the exact moment when the address was harvested and the IP address that gathered it. More information here.

Does this work with cache plugins?

Not yet. It is do-able but it requires .htaccess hacking and folder relocation. I would rather make this plugin cacheable and plug-and-play than release a hack.

How do I upgrade from Jan's original plugin and not lose data?

The code has been written to be backwards compatible with Jan's original plugin. The plugin will look for 'php_httpbl_log' first and if that table doesn't exist, then it will look for 'httpbl_log' to do its logging. So all you have to do is activate the plugin and use it.

