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开发者 mikegogulski
更新时间 2009年10月4日 12:53
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8.4


post google posts plugin links tags seo pingback trackbacks trackback pingbacks



Pingcrawl aims to replicate's "Possibly related posts" capability. It queries Google Blog Search for related blog posts (based on tags, or the post title if there are no tags), tries to verify that they are pingback/trackback compatible sites and, if so, adds links to such posts to the end of each blog post where it is invoked. Scope-limiting configuration options are included to enable Pingcrawl to fit any WordPress installation's memory/execution time budget.


  1. Download the plugin and extract the contents of the ZIP file to the wp-content/plugins/ folder. Alternately, use automatic installation from WordPress's admin screens.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings -> Pingcrawl to configure options.


Why does it take so long to post articles now?

Pingcrawl needs to fetch and process a lot of web pages in order to do its job. Get patient.

Why do I get a "Page not found" error when posting?

The script is either running out of memory or executing for too long. This can be remedied in two ways:

  • Reduce the max tags, max pings per tag and/or Google hits options.
  • Increase PHP's max_execution_time and/or memory_limit in your php.ini.

How can I prevent Pingcrawl from running on a given post?

Two ways:

  • Disable the plugin until you want to use it again.
  • Before publishing the post, create a custom field called 'pingcrawl_pinged' and set its value to '1'.

How can I re-ping a given post?

Delete the 'pingcrawl_pinged' custom field from the post.

Why don't my pingbacks/trackbacks show up at the sites I'm pinging?

  • Blog owners may delete your ping/trackbacks.
  • Blog owners may mark your ping/trackbacks as spam.
  • If you've been spammy with pings in the past, your new pings might be marked as spam by anti-ping-spam plugins.


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