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Platinum SEO

开发者 Rajesh Babu
Techblissonline (Rajesh)
更新时间 2021年8月25日 17:47
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


seo wordpress seo 301 redirects content analysis schema xml sitemap Redirection 404 Errors


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Platinum SEO: The ultimate WordPress SEO plugin that has XML Sitemaps, 301 Redirects, 404 Error manager, JSON Schema for structured data representation and more. Techblissonline Platinum WordPress SEO Plugin offers Complete onpage SEO solution for your WordPress blog or website. This includes easily implementable HTTP Redirections like 301 Redirects, 302 Redirects, finding and fixing 404 Errors, including any kind of structure data in the form of JSON schema markups and more. Platinum SEO has been in existence since 2007! It was the most preferred plugin for several WordPress users, after the very first developer of All in one SEO Pack, Uberdose sropped contributing to it for a while anf then transferred it to another developer. Platinum SEO was then born to fill the gap and users loved it as it went beyond what was offered to do SEO in WordPress then. Platinum SEO has now been rewritten completely since those early days and it is one the light-weight and fully featured WordPress SEO plugin in the wordpress ecosystem now. This WordPress SEO plugin helps you with all your search engine optimization needs. If you aren't yet fully convinced, give it a try and see the ease of using this complete SEO Pack. The goal of this plugin is to make "SEO Easy for everyone" in WordPress. Are you a beginner in wordPress? Don't worry as Platinum SEO is very intuitive and using it is a breeze! Even the WordPress SEO experts will love this plugin as it offers them complete control of On-page SEO on your site. For example, You can create your own JSON Schema and embed them in any Post or Page. To make life easy, the plugin also offers a tool to generate any Schema supported by Google. WE TAKE CARE OF YOUR WORDPRESS SEO Platinum SEO plugin offers a pack of features that helps you define all the important meta tags for every Post or Page. It doesn't stop there! It also lets you define redirections, where necessary and monitor and report all 404 Errors. You are thus promptly reported of all technical anomalies that might creep in for your take the necessay corrective action! You are thus in complete control of all technical issues that might affect your Posts or Pages from being crawled and indexed properly! Techblissonline's WordPress SEO Plugin , Platinum SEO Pack offers the ultimate onpage SEO solution to your WordPress blog or website. Techblissonline Platinum SEO Plugin offers all the essential features you need to do your SEO and be the best WordPress Blog or Website. These include tools to Fix 404 Errors Manage HTTP Redirections FAQ [youtube] Platinum SEO is the most light-weight among all SEO plugin, yet packed with all the features you need to do Technical and OnPage SEO. The following is a brief summary of the features offered by this Plugin:
  1. Create and set any kind of Json-ld schema markup tag for any post, page or taxonomy. Thus Platinum SEO is now the easiest Plugin to add JSON Schema Markup. This can be generated using the free JSON Schema Markup Generator on
  2. Canonical URLs are set automatically. Users can also override default canonical URLs for any POST or Page by explicitly setting the Canonical URL in the Techblissonline Platinum SEO MetaBox. You may even set Cross site Canonical URLs.
  3. Create social meta tags for facebook, twitter, pinterest and linkedin.
  4. Optimized Post and Page Titles for search engines
  5. Generates all SEO relevant META tags automatically
  6. Option to specify meta description and meta keywords tag for categories and tag pages.
  7. Option to turn off Page title or Post title rewrites for any particular post or page
  8. Option to turn off Page title or Post title format for any particular post or page
  9. Helps you avoid duplicate content
  10. Lets you override any title and set any META description and META keywords, for any post or page
  11. Support for custom post types
  12. Support for custom taxonomies
  13. Compatible with most other plugins. You can use Google XML Sitemap Generator to generate your sitemap. You can exclude any particular post/page/taxonomy from the sitemap through settings in the Techblissonline Platinum WordPress SEO Plugin.
  14. You have a 404 Manager.You can HTTP Redirect any Post or URL that returns a 404 Error. You can also set status to 410, if needed. Fix 404 Errors using its 404 Monitor and doing HTTP Redirect in WordPress
  15. WordPress Plugin to change HTTP status code from 404 to 410.
  16. You now have a complete Redirection Manager.You can redirect any post or page to the desired location.
  17. WordPress 301 Redirect Plugin using HTTP 301 Status Code
  18. WordPress 302 Redirect Plugin using HTTP 302 Status Code
  19. WordPress 307 Redirect Plugin using HTTP 307 Status Code
  20. WordPress 303 Redirect Plugin using HTTP 303 Status Code
  21. Add index, noindex, follow or nofollow, noodp, noydir, noarchive, nosnippet meta tags to any post/page.
  22. Integration with WordPress Core SiteMap.
  23. Set a preferred Taxonomy and Term for every POST.
  24. Support for SiteMap. The plugin currently integrates the WordPress Sitemap files in version 5.5 with some enhancements to support images in sitemaps.
  25. supports import of SEO Data from other plugins like Yoast (both new and old versions), RankMath and All in One SEO Pack.
  26. Role Manager that lets the admin configure which user role has access to which settings page or report in Platinum SEO.
  27. An easy and user friendly setup wizard that lets new users of plugin to migrate/import SEO data from other plugins and also configure the essential sitewide settings. The setup wizard is also accesible via the menu Platinum SEO and social Pack -> Setup wizard.
  28. Bulk Editor for Techblissonline SEO Title, Meta Description and JSON Schemas.
  29. Support for REST API - If you are using WordPress as an headless CMS, then you need an SEO plugin that provides support via the REST API. Platinum SEO is one among the very few that provide such support.
Platinum SEO Premium is an unique WordPress SEO audit plugin that can work along with other WordPress SEO Plugins like Yoast SEO, RankMath, All in one SEO Pack, SeoPress and others. It is a real-time audit plugin that does a complete audit of your site and reports you on the various SEO parameters and issues for you to take corrective actions from the standpint of Technical SEO and On-Page SEO. And the audit happens in the background, by piggybacking user requests for a Post or Page on your site, on a continual basis. You just need to configure it once and you then get regularly updated dashboards and reports. The following are some of the features of Platinum SEO Premium as of now.
  1. [Premium] Automatic internal linking suggestions to Posts or Pages that are relevant to the Post or Page content you are editing.
  2. [Premium] The only audit plugin in the market that lets you build content hubs or silos with insights on how Posts or Pages are interlinked and using what keyphrases.
  3. [Premium] You can also ascertain Posts or Pages with no internal links or minimal internal links and find opportuites to build more internal links with aprropriate keyphrases.
  4. [Premium] You can monitor all links (both internal and external links) embedded in your content for their HTTP status codes. You are thus prompthly reported on broken links and redirected links for you to take appropriate action.
  5. [Premium] You can monitor all images and their HTTP status codes. You are also reported on images without alt text for you to take corrective action.
  6. [Premium] You are reported on Nofollow and Dofollow links embedded in your Post or Page content.
  7. [Premium] You are reported on links that open on new tabs or windows and also those that do not have noopener or noreferer tags on them.


  1. Unzip into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory. If you're uploading it make sure to upload the top-level folder. Don't just upload all the php files and put them in /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件
  3. Visit your SEO options (Platinum SEO and Social Pack -> SEO) That's all folks!
If you have to upgrade manually simply repeat the installation steps.


  • Sitewide SEO and Social Settings
  • Techblissonline Platinum SEO and Social Settings Meta Box for Posts, Pages and Taxonomies
  • Adding **[combined Json Schemas](** for each Post, Page and taxonomy.
  • Social Settings for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Generates Open Grah Tags and Twitter compatible Tags.


2.0 The plugin code had been rewritten from scratch, adding several new functionalities and improved security, updated the readme.txt file .


2.3.8 2021-04-27 - A change has been made to accomodate JSON schema even if entered with the script tag. The plugin will sanitize and save the schema. Multiple schemas can simply be entered as comma separated script tags and the plugin will automatically combine them and use them to generate schema correctly. 2.3.7 2021-04-25 - Platinum SEO is now integrated with WordPress REST API. You can now GET the SEO meta data for any Post/Page/Taxonomy/Home from the plugin as a field psp_head included in responses to requests via the built-in WordPress REST API Endpoints like those for Posts, Types, etc. The other way to retrieve the SEO meta data is through the plugin's own custom Endpoint. You may find the details in the blog post. 2.3.6 2021-03-10 - Removed the meta tag added by the newly introduced robots api in wordPress 5.7. Added the ability to specify currentyear to title and description formats. You can also directly add the tag variables in the title field and the meta description field. While the title description formats allow you to add the tag variables only towards the beginning or end, you can now add the tag variables anywhere in between the meta title or description text. You can add the tag variable manually to these Platinum SEO meta fields in Post types. 2.3.5 2021-02-27 - In focus keyword analysis, when a multiple word keyphrase is entered, the count of the phrase in content and its density was calculated wrongly. It has been corrected in this version. 2.3.4 2021-02-23 - corrected the Tools menu on the admin bar that was earlier throwing an error. 2.3.3 2021-02-01 - consolidated the Platinum SEO menus. made changes to Role Manager for more granular control on Platinum SEO menus to various roles. 2.3.2 2021-01-15 - Bulk Editor now lets you add JSON Schema to all Post types in bulk. 2.3.1 2021-01-15 - Bulk Editor now lets you add JSON Schema to all Post types in bulk. 2.3.0 2021-01-12 - Made the Bulk Editor to retrieve only Builtin and Custom Post Types. Made similar changes to Redirections module. 2.2.9 2021-01-10 - Added a Bulk Edit Feature to SEO - Editors. Users can now edit SEO Titles and Descriptions in bulk. Made a few changes to the way Posts can be searched in Redirections module. 2.2.8 2020-12-28 - Made some alterations to 404 Manager and Redirections Manager to make it more user friendly. Included an option to retrieve all Posts in Redirections manager. one can also filter the Posts based on Post name or WordPress title. This would make it easier to create redirections in bulk for Posts (all post types). Restricted the filtering option to Posts while Redirected URLs may only be retrieved as a whole (All option). The same also applies to Redirection logs which are created for Redirected URLs if one chooses to log the redirect. The log entries can be deleted as a whole or selectively. 2.2.7 2020-12-23 - In the export import utility, added a message to indicate the number of rows imported. This will help users to know whether all the rows in the file have been imported. Further, added translational options for the various headers and messages. 2.2.6 2020-12-20 - The plugin now has an Export/Import Utility to export Platinum SEO Options (Sitewide Settings) and platinum SEO Meta Data (of all Post types). You may find this utility in Platinum SEO and social Pack -> Tools. 2.2.5 2020-12-04 - Resolved the authorization error thrown for roles other than Admin, like Editor role etc. while trying to access a POST to which the Role has not been assigned access to Platinum SEO Metabox in role Manager. 2.2.4 2020-12-02 - Provided an option to disable published and modified time being added as open graph tags for article og type. Added a button to exit the setup wizard that is triggered on plugin activation. 2.2.3 2020-11-21 - Fixed dashboard console menu disappearing from the WordPress Admin. 2.2.2 2020-11-21 - Fixed a bug that caused he featured image to be not set when using the classic editor plugin in WordPress. Fixed a bug that was logging an "Headers already Sent" error when updating a post. 2.2.1 2.2.0 2.1.9 2.1.8 2.1.7 2.1.6 2.1.5 2.1.4 2.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.1 2.1.0 2.0.9 2.0.8 2.0.7 2.0.6 2.0.5 2.0.4 2.0.3 2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.0 1.3.8 1.3.7 1.3.6 1.3.5 1.3.4 1.3.3 1.3.1 1.3.1 1.3 1.2.9 1.2.8 1.2.7 1.2.6 1.2.5 1.2.4 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2 1.1 1.0