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Podamibe Twilio Private Call

开发者 podamibe
更新时间 2019年5月23日 11:12
PHP版本: 3.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


twilio podamibe twilio call private call


1.0.0 1.0.1


Wordpress plugin for twilio voice calling. Uses twilio caller id as your caller id while calling thus hiding your personal number to your friends and collegues.


  1. Upload the plugin 'Podamibe Twilio Private Call' to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
How to use? Following shortdoces are available after installing this plugin.
  1. [pod-twilio-activate]
  2. [pod-twilio-userprofile]
  3. [pod-twilio-userslist]
  4. [pod-twilio-contactlist]
  5. [pod-twilio-activate] Display twilio activation form if user is logged in and has not activated twilio account.
  6. [pod-twilio-userprofile] Shows user details including user's twilio number and can change personal number here. User can also buy call duration here.
  7. [pod-twilio-userslist] Shows all users who have registered for twilio activation here. Users can add desired user to their contact list. Pass limit argument to shortcode for pagination limit e.g [pod-twilio-user-signup limit=5]
  8. [pod-twilio-contactlist] Shows all the users in the contactlist of the user. Users can verify their number to the contact. ( Note: Users cannot call if user's are not verified to each other ) Shows twilio number for verified users. In addition to these plugins we have included a user sign up shortcode. Add [pod-twilio-user-signup] shortcode to show user signup form.
We've also included a login widget. Drag the Twilio login widget to desired sidebar. Choose the page you want to redirect after login and save.


  • Screenshot 1 - Backend Twilio Settings
  • Screenshot 2 - User Twilio Account Details
  • Screenshot 3 - User Contact List


There is an update available for the Podamibe Twilio Private Call. Please update to recieve new updates and bug fixes.


What does this plugin do?

  • This plugin hides your personal number while calling using twilio voice calling. = Why can't I see the phone number even after adding a user to contact list?
  • You cannot view the contact number if you haven't verified your number. Verify your number first. Also the user in your contact list also need to verify his/her number too. = Can I call a number not in my contact list?
  • No, you cannot. = Can I call a non verified number?
  • No, you cannot. Both users in the contact list must verify their numbers in each other's account. Only then the call is possible.


1.0.1 1.0.0