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Popular Authors

开发者 webberzone
更新时间 2025年1月18日 23:24
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later


views author popular top 10 popular authors top authors


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.3.0


Popular Authors WordPress plugin is the ultimate addon for Top 10, the best plugin to showcase your most popular posts on WordPress. With Popular Authors, you can also highlight the top authors on your blog by page views and give them the recognition they deserve. Popular Authors lets you display the most popular authors using different methods. You can use the Gutenberg block, the shortcode, the widget or the template tag to insert the popular authors list anywhere on your site. You can also customize the appearance and settings of each method to suit your needs. Popular Authors also gives you the flexibility to choose the time range for calculating the page views. You can show the popular authors of all time, or limit it to a specific period, such as last day, last week, last month, etc. This way, you can keep your popular authors list fresh and dynamic. Popular Authors is a must-have addon for Top 10 if you want to boost your blog's engagement and credibility. By showcasing your most popular authors, you can attract more readers, increase social shares, and build a loyal community around your blog. Features Contribute Popular Authors is also available on Github. If you've got some cool feature that you'd like to implement into the plugin or a bug you've been able to fix, consider forking the project and sending me a pull request. Please don't use that for support requests.


WordPress install (the easy way)
  1. Navigate to Plugins within your WordPress Admin Area
  2. Click "Add new" and in the search box enter "Popular Authors"
  3. Find the plugin in the list (usually the first result) and click "Install Now"
Manual install
  1. Download the plugin
  2. Extract the contents of to wp-content/plugins/ folder. You should get a folder called popular-authors.
  3. Activate the Plugin in WP-Admin.
Usage Popular Authors can be used in four ways:
  1. Block: Add a Gutenberg block by searching for popular authors or author
  2. Widget: Simply drag and drop "Popular Authors" widget into your theme’s sidebar and configure it
  3. Shortcode [wzpa_popular_authors], so you can embed it inside a post or a page
  4. Template tag: Use wzpa_list_popular_authors() to display the popular authors anywhere on your theme


  • Popular Authors tab under Top 10 Settings


1.3.0 Fixes several bugs and introduces a new feature to display popular posts by author. Check the release post on


How can I customise the output?

Check out the FAQ on the plugin page and the FAQ on the WebberZone knowledgebase. It is the fastest way to get support as I monitor the forums regularly. I also provide paid premium support via email. The main CSS class is:

  • wzpa_authors or wzpa_authors_daily: Class of the main wrapper div


Use [wzpa_popular_authors] to display the popular authors. Check this knowledge base article for shortcode parameters.

Template tags

Use wzpa_list_popular_authors() to display the popular authors anywhere on your theme. Check this knowledge base article for template tag parameters.

Gutenberg blocks

Add a Gutenberg block by searching for popular authors or author. Check this knowledge base article for block parameters.


1.3.0 Release post: For previous changelog entries please visit Github Releases page