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Post Author IP

开发者 coffee2code
更新时间 2021年6月10日 16:19
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post tracking author users coffee2code audit IP address auditing IP


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.4


This plugin records the IP address of the original post author when a post first gets created. The admin listing of posts is amended with a new "Author IP" column that shows the IP address of the author who first saved the post. The plugin is unable to provide IP address information for posts that were created prior to the use of this plugin. Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage


  1. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' admin menu in WordPress


  • A screenshot of the admin post listing showing the added "Author IP" column. It demonstrates the mix of a post where the post author IP address was recorded, and posts where it wasn't (due to the plugin not being activated at the time).
  • A screenshot of the Publish metabox for a post showing the post author's IP address (for versions of WordPress older than 5.0, or later if the new block editor aka Gutenberg is disabled)
  • A screenshot of the block editor sidebar panel for a post showing the post author IP address (WP 5.0 and later)


1.4 Recommended update: added GDPR compliance for data export and erasure, modernized block editor implementation, restructured unit test files, noted compatibility through WP 5.7, and updated copyright date (2021). 1.3 Recommended update: added support for all public post types, reduced column width, improved meta key handling, expanded unit testing, added file, updated compatibility to be WP 4.9 through 5.4+, and more internally. 1.2.1 Trivial update: noted compatibility through WP 5.3+, updated JS development dependencies, and updated copyright date (2020) 1.2 Recommended feature update: added support for the new block editor (aka Gutenberg), 1.1 Minor update: added 'c2c_post_author_ip_allowed' filter, modified initialization handling, noted compatibility through WP 5.1+, updated copyright date (2019), and more. 1.0 Initial public release.


If a post is originally drafted at one IP address, then later worked on at another IP address, which IP address gets recorded?

The IP address in use at the time that the post is first saved (regardless of whether the post was saved as a draft, immediately published, or some other status) will be recorded.

Are other IP addresses in use during the post's handling (such as when it is edited, published, etc) also tracked?

No, this plugin only records the IP address in use when the post was first saved.

How do I see (or hide) the "Author IP" column in an admin listing of posts?

In the upper-right of the page is a "Screen Options" link that reveals a panel of options. In the "Columns" section, check (to show) or uncheck (to hide) the "Author IP" option.

Is this plugin compatible with the new block editor (aka Gutenberg)?

Yes. This plugin is compatible with the block editor as well as the classic editor.

Is this plugin GDPR-compliant?

Yes. The IP address stored for authors on the posts they created will be exported on data export requests and deleted for data erasure requests.

Does this plugin include unit tests?



1.4 (2021-06-09) Highlights: This recommended release adds GDPR compliance for data export and erasure, modernizes block editor implementation, restructures unit test files, and notes compatibility through WP 5.7. Details: 1.3 (2020-08-06) Highlights: This recommended release adds support for all public post types, reduces column width, improves meta key handling, expands unit testing, adds a file, updates compatibility to be WP 4.9 through 5.4+, and more internally. Details: 1.2.1 (2020-01-06)