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Post Presentations

开发者 jancbeck
更新时间 2013年8月8日 15:56
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.6
版权: MIT license
版权网址: 版权信息


html5 presentation




This plugin is intended to create simple slideshow presentations from the WordPress posts. It is inspired from the Slides theme be Otto but rather than turning your whole blog into one slideshow this plugin simply adds an alternative display mode for each posts. Place <!--nextslide--> in your posts to split your posts into individual slides. This plugin is still in its early version. Don't expect this to not break in extreme cases. It should support common HTML though including images, video and audio. Future updates may include: More ideas? Post them to the support forum!


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Upload plugin to the plugin directory (e.g. /wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress dashboard
  3. Optionally: Configure slideshow options such as the active theme on the plugin settings page (to be found under 'Options' → 'Post Presentations').
  4. Show a presentation of any post or page by appending /presentation/ to its permalink. E.g.


0.1 Initial version


What's the purpose of this plugin?

I used WordPress to write down notes for client project presentations and didn't want to use an external presentation tool to basically just copy & paste my content into slides. On the other hand using a plain article for presentation is not very pretty. The idea is that this plugin gives you both: write simple note-style articles and present them to somebody without any big extra work. It won't interfere with your normal theme or force you to change the way you structure your content other than using the - otherwise invisible - <!--nextslide--> tag.

When should I use this plugin instead of Ottos Slides theme?

The Slide theme by Otto forces you to basically turn your whole WordPress installation into a content database for a slideshow presentation with customly arranged page content, site name etc. Perhaps you are already using a special theme to manage projects with WordPress or you just have a normal blog that you want to extend with a presentation feature. Then this plugin might be better suited for you will not have to change anything except adding the invisible <!--nextslide--> commment tags to your posts. This comes with the disadvantage of lesser features though. E.g. vertical slides (sub-slides) or slide specific options are not possible with this plugin.


0.1 Initial version