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Posts by GMT

开发者 rjl20
更新时间 2011年10月6日 13:33
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


posts time zone orderby sort order gmt post_date post_date_gmt utc



Most people don't need this plugin. Most wouldn't notice a difference if they had it. All it does is change the default sort order of a WP_Query from posts.post_date to posts.post_date_gmt -- that is, sort on the GMT timestamp of a post rather than the local time zone. Who needs this? People who switch time zones frequently. People running a network installation of WordPress where they want to be able to aggregate posts from all their network blogs easily, and in the right order. I don't know. I wrote it for, so their "most recent posts" sidebar would stop showing only posts from a few blogs in early time zones. If it works for you, great. I have every hope that this plugin will be made obsolete by the default sort order being changed in the WordPress core. I can think of no good reason why comments are sorted by GMT but posts by local time. For all I know, this plugin works with older versions than 3.0. I've only tested it with 3.2.1.


The same as with any other WordPress plugin:
  1. Upload posts-by-gmt.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in Wordpress.
  3. That's it. There are no configuration options.


1.0 This is the first release.


Are there any frequently asked questions?

Not yet.

