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Price Table

开发者 powr
更新时间 2018年2月21日 14:07
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


grid price table pricing table price table responsive pricing table comparison table pricing chart pricing plan comparison



DOWNLOAD, INSTALL & ACTIVATE > CUSTOMIZE IN MINUTES > ADD PRICE TABLE TO SITE [youtube] Sell more with side-by-side pricing tables Free Features Premium Features More Info LIVE EDITING POWr Price Table plugin is simple to customize, directly inside of your live WordPress website. Just click on the Settings Icon to open the POWr Editor. You can now edit the design and contents of your Price Table plugin. See your changes in real time, on your actual site. No need to ever leave the page. Just edit and save right in the POWr Editor. MOBILE RESPONSIVE Mobile traffic matters. And successful sites need to be mobile responsive to keep up. The Price Table plugin is optimized to function beautifully on almost any device. So you can spend less time worrying about how people are searching your site, and more about what they'll discover. CUSTOMIZABLE Your WordPress website represents you, your brand, or your company. Own it, with fully customizable design. POWr Price Table allows you to create your plugin precisely the way you'd like it. Select and adjust colors, background design, borders and edges, and lots more. Match the rest of your website perfectly, with no more coding confusion or pricey designer fees. CUSTOMER SUPPORT It's a tough world out there, but you don't need to go it alone. POWr's customer support team is made up of top notch people, working hard to insure you get the help you need. Our full Help Center is available 24/7. Additionally, there's great email support available any time, with live chat available during peak hours. We are here to help you!


Download, Install and Activate POWr Price Table. A POWr account will automatically be created for you and you will see the POWr Editor in WordPress, where you can build and customize your Price Table. Once you’ve saved your plugin you will see install instructions. You can continue editing the plugin on your live page, in your WP Dashboard, or by logging in to To add your plugin to a Page or Post, follow these steps:
  1. Copy your shortcode.
  2. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on Pages and All Pages.
  3. Hover over the page to add the plugin to and click Edit.
  4. Paste your shortcode snippet in text box.
  5. Click Update and Preview Changes. To add your plugin to a Theme, follow these steps:
  6. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and select Appearance and Widgets from the dropdown menu.
  7. Drag and drop your plugin into any sidebar or footer, then Save.
  8. Visit your live site by clicking the home button in the upper left-hand side and click Visit Site.
  9. Find the plugin and click on the Edit button. This will open the POWr Editor.
  10. To import a Price Table you have already saved, click Import Existing Price Table, find your Plugin and click Copy. Your Price Table is now on your WordPress site.


  • Example
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1.0 First released version. 1.1 Improved SSL Support 1.2 Improved loading speed 1.3 Easily add POWr plugins right from the text editor. 1.4 Improved functionality within the wp text editor. 1.5 New ID system for easier identification of POWr Plugins. Settings panel in WP Admin allows easier creation and management of Plugins. 1.5.1 Fixed issue where POWr IDs get stripped 1.5.2 Bug fix for labels or IDs in shortcodes getting stripped 1.6 Easier to create and manage your POWr Plugins. 1.6.2 Bug Fixes (resolved some PHP notices seen by some users) 1.6.3 Supports latest plugins from POWr 1.6.4 Supports latest plugins from POWr and updated Admin Menu behavior 1.7 Automatic sign-in to POWr 1.71 Bug fix for datetime in older versions of PHP (< 5.3) 1.8 Removed auto sign-in


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.7 1.71 1.8