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Pretty Url

开发者 faaiq
更新时间 2013年5月20日 14:18
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.4


Seo friendly Url Custom Category url custom post url custom page url custom post type pretty url set meta tags set noindex nofollow tag.




  1. Upload prettlyurl to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to admin section and click on manage urls link on left menu. here you can build url for category page and custom post type archive page.
  4. for single post, single page and single custom post there is seprate meta box for pretty url.
  5. Important note: goto wp-admin/options-permalink.php and press Save change. after making entires in order to works pretty url
  6. for any issue please mail me at


1.5.4 Now Create Seo url and meta tags for pages,posts,categories and custom post type. Set nofollow tags for individual pages/post/category 1.5.3 Pagination problem fixed 1.5.2 Now seo url can be set for custom post type


1.5.4 Now Create Seo url and meta tags both for pages. Set nofollow tags for individual pages/post/category 1.5.3 Pagination problem fixed 1.5.2 Now seo url can be set for custom post type