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Price Comparison Shopping Engine

开发者 UkrSolution
更新时间 2017年11月7日 17:04
PHP版本: 4.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


price comparison price compariso system price comparison website price comparison shopping engine comparison shopping engine compare products.



Price Comparison Shopping Engine GoodsPack - is price comparison system similar to Google Shopping, ShopZilla, NextTag or but works on your WordPress (or custom made) Web-Site. It allows your users to search, compare and buy products without leaving your web-site. This price comparison system provides access to inventory of thousands of shops and stores like Walmart, Newegg, Zappos, Rakuten and hundreds of others. Main features of this Price Comparison Shopping system are: GoodsPack can be used on any CMS - Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal or even custom made web-site - you just need to embed GoodsPack code into web-site (just like insert video from YouTube). Affiliate Marketing GoodsPack works just like one big Affiliate Program and uses Affiliate Links to connect your web-site with product pages of merchants. Each product in search result is an affiliate link to store, so if your web-site visitor goes to shop and buys something - shop gives you a commission. Search Engines Our Price Comparison Shopping Engine supports Popshops and Prosperent engines which provides access to thousands shops and billions products/affiliate links. These Search Engines already established affiliate relationships with each shop, so you don't have to do it by yourself. If you would like to connect GoodsPack to any other Affiliate Network or Affiliate Engine - just contact us and we will discuss it. * Read more about GoodsPack * See GoodsPack in action * Contact Us if you have any questions * FAQ * User Manual


Method 1: Download the zipped plugin file to your local machine by this link: LINK HERE Go to WordPress admin -> Plugins menu Add New->Upload->browse the zipped plugin Upload and Activate the plugin. Method 2: Go to WordPress admin -> Plugins menu Add New-> search plugin enter plugin name of “Price Comparison Shopping Engine” -> search plugin -> choose plugin “Price Comparison Shopping Engine” -> install now. Activate the plugin.


  • It shows a list of categories.
  • Search by Categories.
  • Full description of the product.


I have found a bug, how can it be fixed?

You need to send email to us and provide us with details:

  • How to reproduce bug
  • Screenshots of bug
  • Best way to describe the problem is to create video (you can use software like Jing)


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