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PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce

开发者 hakik
更新时间 2025年2月27日 23:42
PHP版本: 5.6.20 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce table variations variations table woocommerce variable


1.6.2 1.6.0 1.4.18 1.4.5 1.1.14 1.0 1.4.11 1.4.17 1.6.1 1.7.2 1.4.14 1.5.4 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.5 1.3.0 1.3.11 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.7 1.1 1.3.5 1.1.7 1.3.1 1.3.13 1.4.0 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.2.2 1.3.14 1.3.9 1.3.12 1.3.15 1.4.15 1.4.8 1.2.7 1.4.12 1.4.13 1.4.7 1.4.9 1.2.8 1.4.10 1.4.19 1.4.22 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.7.1 1.4.21 1.4.20 1.4.6 1.7.0 1.3.8 1.4.16 1.5.0 1.5.3 1.6.3 1.6.4


PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce allows you to replace the default dropdown options of WooCommerce variable products and display your product variations in a beautiful and customizable table. By default, WooCommerce offers a dropdown for the variable products so customers can choose between the size, color, and other available options. With the PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce, you can display the available product variations in an easy-to-follow table. It also offers flexible options to customize the product variation table. Furthermore, customers will have the ability to filter and sort the available options by attributes, price, and other options. PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce offers ease both for the store owners and customers. It will help your customers to quickly browse through the available options and purchase the desired products. Thus, store owners will have a better chance to make a higher revenue from their store. View Demo | Documentation | Support | Free vs Pro | Pro Version


After downloading the ZIP file,
  1. Log in to the administrator panel.
  2. Go to Plugins Add > New > Upload.
  3. Click "Choose file" ("Browse") and select the downloaded zip file.
  4. You can control what columns you would show in variation table from WooCommerce -> Variation Table.
Once you have installed and activated the PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce, your product variation has a new tabular look with the default plugin settings. You will find a new menu option under WPXtension. Hover over or click on WPXtension to find the new menu option called Variation Table (WPXtension > Variation Table). Access the menu to make desired customizations to the default plugin settings. First of all, under the settings tab you have the option to control where you want to place the variation table on the product page. Secondly, you have the option to select the columns for your product variation table. You can include the following options: Thumbnail, SKU, Description, Attributes, Dimensions, Weight, Stock, Price, Quantity, Action. How much would you love to reposition the columns of your variation table! Apart from enabling or disabling specific table columns, you can also reposition them as you wish. The drag and drop option offers perfect flexibility to reposition the table columns. Additionally, on the right-hand side, there are up and down arrows to move a table column in your desired direction. Next, you have the option to show or hide the Available Options button. You can customize the text from Available Options to anything you want. Furthermore, you can change the Cart button text from Add To Cart to something more meaningful for your store or customers. Under the Layout tab, first of all, you will find the Element Settings section. The Quantity Field Layout gives you the option to add +/- input to increase or decrease product quantity in the quantity field. Note: this feature requires theme support so if it does not take effect for you, do not bother. Next, you can set a scroll to the top of the page when a product is successfully carted. Finally, you can choose to display a Cart Confirmation Notice when a product is successfully added to the cart. Another new option is the subtotal column. Including this tab will show instant price changes when the quantity field is updated. Table Customization Option is the next section to give you more visual control of the table. You will find the option to control(show/hide) the table header for your Product Variation Table. With the Stop Table Breakdown option, you can choose the table layout for mobile devices. So can either set the table to breakdown on small devices or display them just like the large screen devices. Next comes Horizontal Scrollbar to give your customers proper browsing ability to check complete product details. Finally, you can restrict the minimum width for your Product Variation Table from the Table Minimum Width. Hit the Save Changes button when you are done with the customization. Congratulations, you have brought a new shopping experience for your customers. Benefits of using PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce 🥳 Bring a new and professional look for your variable products. 🥳 Reduce customer hesitation and hardship by displaying all available options at once. 🥳 Offer a better shopping experience for your customers and save their time. 🥳 Responsive design offers an outstanding shopping experience on all devices.


  • Settings page of Product Variation Table For WooCommerce.
  • Layout page with +/- button or basic quantity input field and other option
  • The output of +/- button
  • Advanced Tab- Exlclude/Include Settings, Bulk Cart & Table Top Section
  • Advanced Tab- Thumbnail Settings Section


1.7.0 [23-02-2025] Sunday
  • Update: Settings framework.
  • Update:$options array.
  • Update: Availability text condition and optimize the code at compatiblilty.php.
  • Update: Scripts and added necessary trigger.
  • Check: WPCS.


What is the purpose of the PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce?

PVT - Product Variation Table for WooCommerce replaces the default dropdown options of WooCommerce with a professional-looking table that is empowered with filter by attributes feature.

Can this plugin show the product variation table on the shop/archive pages?

No, it only displays the product variation table on the single product/product details pages.

How to include/exclude an attribute in the variation table?

All the available options are listed with a checkbox beside them. Simply check the options that you want to include in your product variation table.

Can I change the Add to Cart button text?

Yes, you can change this from the plugin settings.

Do you have a hook to add my custom code before and after the variation table?

Yes, Currently, there are two available hooks to add custom text before and after the table. The available hooks are: Before Table Hook: pvtfw_variation_table_before After Table Hook: pvtfw_variation_table_after Example: <?php function PVT_custom(){ echo "My custom text"; } add_action('pvtfw_variation_table_before', 'PVT_custom'); ?>

After updating PVT(1.4.14 or greater than 1.4.14) the quantity field (+/- button) style seems different, Can I use the theme provided design?

You can add the following code inside your child theme's functions.php file. We recommend using a child theme rather than the main/parent theme. remove_filter( 'pvt_print_qty_field', 'pvt_display_qty_field', 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'pvt_print_qty_field', function( $value ){ return woocommerce_quantity_input($value); }); Suggestion: You can also add the snippet using a plugin called Code Snippets


1.7.2 [27-02-2025] Thursday