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开发者 jwriteclub
更新时间 2009年7月4日 03:09
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.5.1


users people profiles biographies bios profile viewer


2.0.Beta1 2.0.Beta2 2.0.Beta3 2.0.RC1


Profiles allows the easy display and management of personal profiles / biographies, or any other similarly periodic information. In particular, it adds a "profiles" tab to the management section and allows you to easily edit information about the profiles as well as associate an image (with optional watermark) with each profile. Profiles can be used to create browsable pages for almost any kind of periodic information, for example, rental properties at a rental company, aircraft at a flight school, etc, in addition to it's more common use to create biographies/profiles for people. Support at Profiles Home Page. Please post any questions or bugs to Christopher O'Connell. Feature requests and comments of a more general nature are welcome, however, they will likely not be implemented immediately.


  1. Upload the profiles folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Create a profiles.php in your theme folder. Example files for both k2 and the default theme are included (just remove the .k2 or .default from the file name). It is important that the content is encased in a div with class of "entry-content" if you wish to use the display side javascript.
  3. Create a blank page with 'Profiles (Do Not Use Manually)' as the template. Remember the page slug. (ex. if you created a page titled "People", the page would live at, 'people' would be the slug.
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  5. Visit "Settings > Profiles" and update options as appropriate. Make sure that you update the permalinks section.
  6. If you opted to use pretty permalinks, visit "Settings > Permalinks". Make sure that you have some permalinking scheme selected (you don't need to change your scheme, just have one selected). Hit "Save >". (Note: even if you don't change your permalinking scheme, you still need to select save, so that the new rules required by Profiles are written to the .htaccess file).
  7. Visit "Manage > Profiles"
  8. Start adding profiles.
Customization Ideas: The /images folder contains the loading images as well as the default image for a profile which has no had an image loaded. You can generate custom loading.gif (for the admin menu) and ajax-loader-gif (for the display page) at AjaxLoad. New fonts can be added for watermarking in the /fonts folder.