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ProGrids Widget Plugin

开发者 ajaso
更新时间 2014年9月4日 01:03
PHP版本: 3.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


affiliate ads content ads pay per click related content relevant ads revenue yarpp fashion nrelate progrids zemanta


1.0.0 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 2.0.0 2.0.1 3.0.0 3.0.1


ProGrids displays relevant products from Top Brand Merchants and Advertisers related to the current post, introducing your readers to the best deals and products from popular stores. ProGrids Basic Features:


  1. Install ProGrids by either through your Admin Dashboard (Plugins -> Add New) or by downloading the files here and uploading to your server
  2. If you haven't created a ProGrids Account yet, click here to register.
  3. Create a widget on and copy the installation code there to the "Installation Code" field on the ProGrids settings page in your WordPress admin dashboard. Finish by clicking "Save".
  4. If you use any caching plugin, please clear the cache.
  5. Done!
  6. Your ProGrids widget is now live on your website, and you are earning commissions on every click!


  • ProGrids widget example
  • ProGrids widget example on your blog!
  • Another ProGrids widget example on your blog!


3.0.1 3.0.0 2.0.1 2.0.0 1.5.8 1.5.4 1.0.0