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Pronamic Pay with Rabo Smart Pay for WooCommerce

开发者 pronamic
更新时间 2025年2月25日 22:55
PHP版本: 8.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce pay woo pronamic rabobank


1.1.0 1.0.0


Pronamic Pay · Pronamic · GitHub Connect Rabo Smart Pay to WooCommerce with Pronamic Pay. This free plugin is all that you need to start selling with WooCommerce. After onboarding with Rabo Smart Pay you can integrate all major payment methods in WooCommerce. Simply activate the desired payment methods and you can add them to your checkout. Features This plugin is developed from the idea that online payments should be easy. Some of the features: External services This plugin uses a number of external services to initiate payments. These are documented below with a link to the service's Terms of Use. Rabo Smart Pay API This plugin provides the link between the shop plugin WooCommerce and Rabo Smart Pay. To communicate with Rabo Smart Pay, this plugin connects to the Rabo Smart Pay API via (production) or (sandbox). The documentation for the Rabo Smart Pay API can be found at, Rabobank's privacy statement can be found at From your WordPress website, customer and payment data can be passed on to Rabo Smart Pay for setting up and processing payments. VIES VAT number validation If a payment via this plugin is initiated with a VAT number, this plugin will attempt to validate this VAT number via the VIES VAT number validation. The VIES VAT number validation is an online service provided by the European Union that allows businesses to verify the validity of VAT numbers issued by EU Member States. This is important for businesses that are trading with companies in other EU countries, as it helps to ensure that they are only dealing with legitimate businesses. Communication with this service is done via the URL. The disclaimer for this service can be consulted via and the privacy statement via Pronamic Pay Premium With a Pronamic Pay Premium license, you get access to exceptional support and a range of exclusive benefits that take your payment experience to the next level. Premium support Premium add-ons And much more! Discover all the benefits of Pronamic Pay Premium at Upgrade to Pronamic Pay Premium now and take advantage of all the benefits!


  1. To install this plugin you can follow the WordPress documentation section "Installing Plugins".


  • Edit Payment Gateway Configuration

