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PVB Contact Form 7 Calculator Add-on

开发者 pbosakov
更新时间 2023年8月3日 01:04
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.3


PayPal price calculator calculator Contact Form 7 Stripe mortgage calculator cost calculator loan calculator



Overview With PVB Contact Form 7 Calculator, you can easily turn any Contact Form 7 form into a calculator. Calculated fields are based on user input and selections in other parts of the form. The plugin can be used for creating various types of calculators, such as an ideal weight calculator, calorie calculator, quote calculator for hotel booking, car rental quote calculator, mortgage calculator, tax calculator, finance calculators, date calculator, etc. Features Live demo We have prepared a Live Demo to let you test the capabilities of PVB Contact Form 7 Calculator. Video tutorial Pro version If you like PVB Contact Form 7 Calculator, please consider upgrading to our Pro version. It lets you have multiple calculated fields per form, calculations based on text values (such as drop-down menus), integrate your calculator with PayPal, Stripe and Google Sheets, and other great features scheduled for future releases. WP Admin Notices This plugin generates an Admin Notice in the WP Admin dashboard. It will invite you to rate our plugin or consider upgrading to the Pro version. These notices may annoy or confuse certain users, but are appreciated by the majority of our userbase, who understand that these notices support our free contributions to the WordPress community. If you feel that these notices are too annoying, then we encourage you to consider our Pro version, or even consider developing your own plugins for WordPress, if supporting free plugin authors is too frustrating for you. A final alternative would be to place the defined constant mentioned below inside of your wp-config.php file to manually hide this plugin's nag notices: define('DISABLE_NAG_NOTICES', true); Note: This defined constant will only affect the notices mentioned above, and will not affect any other notices generated by this plugin, such as one-time notices that communicate with admin-level users.


Contact Form 7 5.0 or later is required.
  1. Download the plugin zip file to your computer;
  2. Unzip the file;
  3. Upload the pvb-contact-form-7-calculator directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin from the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.
  5. Refer to the plugin documentation.


  • Booking calculator
  • Ideal weight calculator


Can I accept payments with PVB Contact Form 7 Calculator?

Simple PayPal and Stripe integration is available in the Pro version. The plugin can generate a Pay Now button on the fly when a calculation is made.

Can I use PVB Contact Form 7 Calculator for currency conversion?

Yes, you can! A currency conversion function is available in the Pro version. As an alternative, you can use the "wpcf7calculate" jQuery event to trigger currency conversion or other post-processing operations after a calculation. You can code your own Javascript function and place it somewhere on your website to call a third-party currency conversion API. Here is an example: ```javascript jQuery(function($) { $('form').on('wpcf7calculate', function() { var dollars = jQuery('input[name=total]').val(); var euro = currencyConvert(dollars, 'USD', 'EUR'); if (euro === false) { alert('Currency conversion failed'); } else { alert(dollars + ' dollars = ' + euro.toFixed(2) + ' euro'); } return; }); }); function currencyConvert(amount, from, to) { var result = ''; var convertUrl = "" + from + "" + to + "&compact=ultra"; var rate = false; jQuery.ajax({ url: convertUrl, async: false, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { rate = data[from + "" + to]; } }); return rate ? parseFloat(amount) * parseFloat(rate) : false; } ```

Can I use PVB Contact Form 7 Calculator to calculate distance and travel time?

Yes, this is available in the Pro version. This feature requires that you have a valid Google Places API key.

Can I reference a list of values in a spreadsheet when configuring my calculation formula?

This is available in the Pro version. Please refer to the plugin documentation for more information about support for external spreadsheets.

How does the calculator handle multiple checkbox groups?

If more than one checkbox is selected in the same group, the values will be summed. To avoid the possibility to select more than one checkbox at the same time, use the "exclusive" modifier in the checkbox tag, or use radio buttons instead. More information and examples are available in the plugin documentation.


1.0.11 1.0.10 1.0.9 1.0.8 1.0.7 1.0.6 1.0.5 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0