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QA Weeks of Cover

开发者 quickassortments
更新时间 2019年6月17日 21:55
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


WooCommerce Inventory Management Weeks of Stock Spot Cover Weeks of Cover WOC Margin Net Profit Stock Turn




Quick Assortments Weeks of Cover is a free plugin that allows you to track the availability of stock of your store, products and categories. This plugin seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce and automatically calculates the availability of products and variations in your store based on sales and inventory. Benefits Why use this plugin? What if you were able to see how much stock you have at the beginning of a season and how long it would take you to sell it? What if you could make sure you sold all of that stock before the end of the season? With this plugin you can. Imagine the effect that would have on your margin. Our Weeks Of Cover plugin lets you track the performance of items and variations and shows you how much weeks or days of sales you have left. This will help you to determine whether you should mark down, make a promotion or, in case you’re running low on stock, re-order. Why is knowing my Weeks of Cover important? Weeks of Cover, sometimes also referred to as Weeks of Stock, is one of the most important KPI’s for merchants and retailers to keep an eye on. Let’s use an example - once end of season comes around, you'll need to sell all remaining stock. Let's say you apply a 20% discount, you have halved your margin and thus your achieved margin is much less than the 40% you were aiming for at the beginning of the season. However, if you were able to promote the product throughout the season and use your Weeks of Cover to decide how aggressive you are earlier in the season this can help you to sell through it all before others start to discount for the end of season. In other words, if you are able to see how much stock you have, how many Weeks Cover you have (how long it takes to sell it) and you know when your sale season begins then you have all the information you need to increase your achieved margin and increase profit. For Merchants, By Merchants All of our plugins are developed for merchants, by merchants. With over 25 years of combined experience in merchandising and retail, we understand what it takes to run a business. If you want to know more about merchandise planning or assortment planning, don’t hesitate to check out our Merchant Support pages Here you find lots of information on anything related to merchandising and retail. Other Plugins of ours Check out some of our other plugins as well:
QA Cost of Goods & Margins A free WooCommerce plugin that lets manage cost prices and lets you track profitability of your store and products.


Installing this plugin is very easy and no prior set up is needed. You just need WooCommerce installed. And you can install and configure this plugin by following these below steps-
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/qa-weeks-of-cover directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Check the products table column name WoC and each product back-end for the Weeks Of Cover values.


  • Our plugin is seamlessly integrated with the WooCommerce Product Pages.
  • Track stock value, margins and markup for all your products in the
  • Easily Manage Bundles and Product Variation.


Is this plugin compatible with other third party plugins and themes?

Yes! Good news is, this plugin has it's own API and it has no iteraction with frontend or theme. Moreover, every part of this plugin is modular and hookable. Thus data coming from this plugin is mutable through its API at any stage. And as no frontend interaction this plugin is 100% compatible with any theme.

Can a user request any new feature?

Yes! Obviously you can. Either here at this support forum or at our dedicated GitHub repository you can leave a request.

Can we contribute with code or translation?

Sure! We'll be more than happy to accept your contribution here.

What is your future plan with this? Can we rely on you that you'll support this plugin in the future?

We have a long list of other very cool plugins related to ecommerce business, merchandising and forecasting which are now cooking in the kitchen. These will be released within the next few months. This plugin will work as a base platform for all these plugins. We guarantee to maintain this plugin and update it on a regular basis with new features and cool functionality. We also have a dedicated team for support and we'll try our best to answer any questions or solve any problem you encounter. We're friendly people, so don't hesitate to reach out to us and ask for support, or if you have any idea on how we can make our products better.


VERSION 1.0.0 | 01-JUN-2019