Linux 软件免费装

开发者 NextLogicWp
更新时间 2019年10月3日 23:22
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


category search advanced search autocomplete search product search product recommendation product finder search bar woocommerce fast search customizable search navigation plugin analytics search predictive search



CLOUD BASED SEARCH FOR WOOCOMMERCE STORES Completely cloud based CDN-backed product search results with minimum latency. Immediate search as you type product names, prices and images from the very first character typed. Faster search results mean better sales conversions. Big tech companies rely upon search speed to deliver results. That's why we're excited about the supersonic search speeds that QSearch delivers. Your customers will love it. [youtube] Search Results Page Delivering Relevant, Advanced Integrated Results Premium Search Results Page Premium Big Data Product Recommendations Product Fast Search and Promotions Personal Real Time Search Suggestions Online Qsearch Portal and Search Terms Report Merchandising- Control Which Products and How They Are Displayed Across Search, Collections and Product Recommendations Seamless Integration with Your WooCommerce System


  1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for ' for WooCommerce'
  3. Click 'Install Now'
- or - 1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/qsearch-ai directory, 1. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard 1. Register on QSearch dashboard. 1. After the account is made, it will take few minutes to synchronize with woocommerce data, depending on how many products you have listed. In case you do not see the QSearch search box do one of the following:
  1. Go to qSearch control panel
  2. Click on the autocomplete button - 3rd button on the left side
  3. Click "Show Advanced Settings"
  4. Edit the input element ID


  • Analytics screen
  • Customize dashboard
  • Full search results
  • Create landing pages
  • Create recommendations
  • Recommendations preview
  • Site search preview


Q: Do I need to sign up for the Qsearch service?

A: No. Simply install the plugin in your WordPress back office. Once you have done so, the Qsearch platform and customization functions will be available in your WordPress dashboard.

Q: What is the Difference between the Premium and Starter Store Versions?

A: While the Starter Store version will provide quality store search functionality, the premium version offers more advanced customization, support, monitoring and additional servicing capability. If in doubt, you can choose the free option and upgrade at a later date.

Q: Do You Offer Trials?

A: Yes there is a 30-day free trial available.

Q: Will QSearch work with my existing search box?

A: Yes. It doesn't matter whether you are using a widget or custom template, search can work with any HTML input box.

Q: I would like to add a search box to my theme and make it work with QSearch. How can I do this?

A: It's a simple matter of adding a HTML based form to your WordPress theme. We'll pick it up from there.

Q: Does Qsearch support multi-sites?

A. We will add Multisites support on a later version. Once the plugin is activated, the Qsearch banner will appear on your store. Allow a few minutes for Qsearch to familiarize itself with your products and categories. Then, experience the magic of Autocomplete - simply start typing an enquiry in the search box.


version 1.0.0