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Quick Developer Insights

开发者 Joseph Reilly
更新时间 2015年3月24日 09:25
PHP版本: 3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1
版权: GPLv2 or later


utility phpinfo() php information WordPress options server settings




Adds 3 useful pages to your admin menu: PHPINFO, SHORTCODES, and SET WP OPTIONS. PHPINFO -- Contains a tables of the information related to the sites PHP configuration. SET WP OPTIONS -- Contains a table of information containing the values of WordPress options set. SHORTCODES -- Contains the shortcodes and their corresponding functions. Shortcodes: [qdi_cpu] which runs getrusage(), [qdi_funct] which runs get_defined_functions(), [qdi_class] which runs get_declared_classes(), and [qdi_mem] which runs memory_get_usage(). Tested on WordPress 4.1.1.


  1. Download, unzip and upload the quick-dev-insights folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. navigate to information pages under "Quick Developer Insights" in the admin menu.


  • The Main Plugin Page.
  • The PHP info page.
  • The WordPress options page.
  • The Shortcodes page.


What are the shortcodes?

Shortcodes: [qdi_cpu] which runs getrusage(), [qdi_funct] which runs get_defined_functions(), [qdi_class] which runs get_declared_classes(), and [qdi_mem] which runs memory_get_usage().

What do the shortcodes do?

RTFM...look up the functions.

Is it risky to leave this installed?

Maybe. Some information this plugin gives you access to is sensitive.