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Quick Reply Template Plugin

开发者 paul1999
更新时间 2010年8月22日 10:33
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.0.1


comments template admin author reply quick 2.8



This plugin allows you to specify a default text for the "quick reply" feature in Wordpress 2.8+. The template can contain the comment author's fullname, first name, link to the original comment and any other characters, spaces, symbols etc.


  1. Download the plugin zip file.
  2. Unzip.
  3. Upload the quick-reply-template directory to your wordpress plugin directory (/wp-content/plugins).
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Open up the options (In the left hand menu under Settings > Quick Reply Template)
  6. Set your desired template.
  7. When you click reply in the admin comments page, your reply template will be automatically inserted.


How can I link to the original comment?

The %ID% tag contains the comment id of the original comment. You can use this to link to the original. For example: %NAME%


0.6 Updated for WP 2.8. Uses wp_enqueue_script API. Thanks to Matt Wiebe for javascript code. 0.4 Changed default reply template. 0.3 Improved options. 0.2 Added comment ID to the list of available tags. Strip HTML from name and first name. Add single empty space after content, so that user can start typing reply immediately. 0.1 Initial Release