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Raisely Donation Form

开发者 amhislop
更新时间 2025年1月21日 11:32
PHP版本: 7.3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


Donation Form Raisely


1.0 1.1


Turn your WordPress website into a powerful donation page with Raisely's Donation Form plugin! Fundraise for your charity with a free donation form that looks great on any device - and takes less than 15 minutes to set up. Plug-and-play Donation Form With Powerful Features: Secure Online Payments Set Up your Recurring Giving Program in No Time: Expand Your Fundraising Strategy With Raisely’s Free Fundraising Suite Raisely is an all-in-one fundraising platform, where you can create stunning fundraising campaigns, fundraise with secure payments and GROW your cause with a built-in CRM - for free. Whether you’re planning your next appeal, a peer-to-peer campaign or even a fundraising event, Raisely offers free templates with tested and proven best practices to help you bring any fundraising idea to life. The all-in-one platform to bring any fundraising idea to life


  1. Via the Add New plugins page search for Raisely Donation Form.
  2. From the results list under the Raisely Donation Form plugin select Install Now.
  3. Following installation select activate plugin.
  4. Under the Settings Menu item in the Wordpress Admin select Raisely.
  5. Enter your Raisely API key in the text field provided and select Submit.
  6. When a successful API key has been added a message will appear stating the API key has been saved and Authentication is successful. You can now begin using the Raisely Blocks and shortcodes.


  • Raisely form embed preview.
  • Raisely API key settings page.


1.1 1.0