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更新时间 2010年3月2日 15:29
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PHP版本: 2.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.9


recent recently-viewed


2.0.0 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.0.1


Display the titles of the last x number of posts that readers visited on your blog, and the amount of time elapsed since they visited it, in a variety of forms: Rationale Features Technobabbly features Usage Sample markup ` What others are reading right now ` Demo shows two versions of it in action.


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php recently_viewed_posts(); ?> in your templates, or install the Widget.


2.1 This version now has a comprehensive API, so you can readily customize the plugin without ever touching the plugin source code. 1.0 Upgrade notices describe the reason a user should upgrade. No more than 300 characters. 0.5 This version fixes a security related bug. Upgrade immediately.


Is this fast?

We made this with speed foremost in mind. It ought to be as fast if not faster than any visitor tracking or logging plugin out there.

What is recorded on visits to Archive pages (such as Author, Tag, Category pages and date archives) or the blog's front page?

The first or topmost post in that page is recorded.

Is this a privacy violation?

Inasmuch as it lets the public see that a reader represented by a certain green squiggly icon visited articles X, Y and Z around 50 seconds apart, yes, it is. The IP address is encrypted, and no one except the blog's administrator will be able to brute-force and get the reader's IP address. In that case, the blog admin will probably use the server logs instead.

I want to see which pages were visited two days ago, can I do that?

The plugin remembers only the last MAX_RECENTLY_VIEWED_LINKS, which is 16 by default. There are bigger, more flexible visitor tracking and logging plugins that can do what you want. You can set MAX_RECENTLY_VIEWED_LINKS in your wp-config.php, or just edit the plugin file directly. For example, define(MAX_RECENTLY_VIEWED_LINKS, 300); would slow the plugin down. The best value should be 2 or 3 times how many visits you display.

Why is nothing showing up?

Remember that it displays what other readers visited. Tell a friend across the country to visit your blog.

My traffic didn't increase. That's false advertising!

Did you put it where readers can see it, like at the end of each post? Using this as a sidebar widget is for cowards.

How can the plugin ignore my visits?

Create a handler for the recently_viewed_posts_new filter in your theme's functions.php that will return NULL on your own visits. For example, add_filter("recently_viewed_posts_new", "my_rvp_ignore_admin_visits"); function my_rvp_ignore_admin_visits( $item ) { return current_user_can('manage_options') ? null : $item; }

How do I customize the output template?

Create a handler for the recently_viewed_posts_entry_format filter in your theme's functions.php. For example, the following removes the icon and adds javascript interaction: add_filter("recently_viewed_posts_entry_format", "my_rvp_format"); function my_rvp_format( $format, $item ) { return '<li onmouseover="javascript:dynamo()"><a href="%URL%">%LINK%</a> %TIME% ago</li>'; } Meanwhile, the following uses the icon as the list item image, instead of a bullet: add_filter("recently_viewed_posts_entry_format", "my_rvp_format_2"); function my_rvp_format_2( $format, $item ) { return '<li style="list-style-image:url(%ICON%)"><a href="%URL%">%LINK%</a> %TIME% ago</li>'; } Isn't this more flexible (and uses less memory!) than a configuration screen? ;-)

Can a visitor masquerade as another visitor?

Of course. See for starters.

Can a reader trace the other readers' IPs from the icon?

Hashing with a SECRET_KEY salt makes this impossible.

Does it work with WP Super Cache?

Since the plugin code needs to run on each page load, this plugin will not run when Super Cache is installed and active. A future version will run in Super Cache half-on mode and another version after that will run in Super Cache full mode.


2.1.1 2.1 2.0.1 2.0.0 1.0