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Release listener for GitHub

开发者 piupiiu
更新时间 2017年4月10日 23:11
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.2
版权: GPLv2


release github webhook



A new post (or a custom post type is that option is selected) will be created every time a release is made on GitHub. You can display the release post with your other posts or use the shortcode to generate changelogs or links to the latest release.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress Setup:
  3. Open plugin settings (Settings > GitHub release listener)
  4. Go to your project settings on GitHub
  5. Select Webhooks > Add webhook
  6. Copy payload URL from the plugin settings to GitHub
  7. Select 'application/json' as content type
  8. Create a passcode (a random string) and copy it to 'Secret' field on both plugin settings and GitHub
  9. Choose 'Let me select individual events' as triggers
  10. Tick 'Release' and untick everything else
  11. Save your plugin settings
  12. Click 'Add webhook' on GitHub


  • Options

