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Remove P

开发者 San Arena
更新时间 2012年3月16日 21:52
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上


post posts page wordpress pages tag extra remove disable engine p paragraphs render remove p removep remove paragraph disable render p tag


1.1 1.2 1.2.1


There's nothing more frustrating than embedding images or flash video players into a post and then WordPress automatically adds p html tag that screws up the embed code. This plugin disable this behavior of wordpress and remove the filter that adds paragraph tags automatically in posts. Use this plugin if you have problem with wordpress adding extra white space between objects ( or texts ) You are allowed to enable this feature individualy for each post or page. It also allow you to replace p tags with double br tags. This plugin make use of wordpress wpautop and disable this filter.


It is extremely easy to install. All that you have to do is enable this plugin and tick it's checkbox below each page or post.


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