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Owl carousel responsive

开发者 gopiplus
更新时间 2022年12月2日 00:00
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


gallery responsive images carousel owl



This wordpress plugin is using Owl Carousel jQuery script and that lets you create a beautiful responsive carousel slider and its fully customizable carousel. You have admin option to upload your images for carousel. You can add your carousel into any post or footer of your website. Check official website for live demo Live demo Live Demo Documentation Frequently Asked Questions Feature
  1. Free plugin.
  2. It supports all major browsers.
  3. Admin option to control carousel speed.
  4. Option to set number of images based on screen size.
  5. Option to set auto Width/Height alignment.
How to use When you activate this plugin it will create one default gallery with 5 images. you can use that galley for your sample. Go to Create Gallery menu to add new carousel gallery. Once you create the galley successfully go to Add Images menu to upload images for your gallery. Some of my other free plugins on
  1. Email download link plugin - This plugin will send a download link to user after they have submitted a form.
  2. Popunder popup - Popunder popup is a plugin to load window behind the browser window of your website.
Short code for post You can add your carousel into your wordpress post with the following shortcode. Go to Create Gallery menu to find unique short code for your gallery. [owl-carousel-responsive id="1"] If you want to include this carousel in your custom theme, please look at the do_shortcode option in wordpress. echo do_shortcode( '[owl-carousel-responsive id="1"]' ); Special thanks to David Deutsch (, Owl Carousel developer.


Option 1:
  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard. Locate Plugins -> Add New
  2. SearchOwl carousel responsive plugin using search option
  3. Find the plugin and click Install Now button
  4. After installation, click on Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.
Option 2:
  1. Download the plugin
  2. Go to WordPress Dashboard. Locate Plugins -> Add New
  3. Click on Upload Plugin link from top
  4. Upload the downloaded file and click on Install Now
  5. After installation, click on Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.


  • Front Page
  • Admin gallery creation page
  • Admin image upload page


  • First version.
  • Tested up to 5.0
  • Default image folder path bug fixed
  • Tested up to 5.1
  • Tested up to 5.2
  • Tested up to 5.3
  • JS/CSS files are added to header.
  • Tested up to 5.4
  • Tested up to 5.5
  • Tested up to 5.7
  • Tested up to 5.8
  • Use plugin short code in the widget
  • Tested up to 5.9


  1. How to upload images for this carousel?

  1. How to enable/disable navigation button under this carousel?

  1. How to increase/decrease width between two images in this carousel?

  1. Do we have option to change number of images to show on the screen?

  1. How to order images in carousel gallery?


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9