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WP REST API Key Authentication

开发者 ikamal
更新时间 2025年1月16日 17:35
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


security access control REST API API authentication API key




WP REST API Key Authentication adds a simple API key-based authentication method to the WordPress REST API. This plugin is perfect for developers who want to interact with the REST API securely without relying on complex OAuth authentication mechanisms. Key Features:


  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Click on the Upload Plugin button and select the ZIP file.
  4. Click Install Now and then activate the plugin.
  5. Navigate to API Keys in the admin menu to start managing your API keys.


  • **Generated API Key Popup**\
  • **REST API Authorization Example**\


1.0 Initial release. Add secure API key-based authentication to your REST API.


How are API keys stored?

API keys are hashed using PHP's password_hash function and stored securely in the WordPress database. The raw key is only shown once upon creation.

What happens if I lose an API key?

If you lose an API key, you must generate a new one. The plugin does not store raw API keys for security reasons.

How do I authenticate a REST API request?

Include the API key in the Authorization header using the Bearer token format: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Can I create multiple API keys?

Yes, you can generate multiple API keys with custom names and manage them from the admin interface.

