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Restaurant Menu / bulk order plugin for WooCommerce

开发者 rajeshsingh520
更新时间 2025年2月16日 19:02
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1


cafe coffee food ordering restaurant menu food menu food pizza Restaurant food order online food order simple restaurant menu restaurant menu plugin bulk order


6.2.67 6.2.69 6.2.70 6.2.61 6.2.62 6.2.63 6.2.66 6.2.49 6.2.60 1.2.1 6.2.39 1.2 2.1 1.2.2 6.2.36 6.2.37 1.1 6.2.34 6.2.40 6.2.33 6.2.43 6.2.46 1.0 6.2.41 6.2.42 2.0 6.2.44 6.2.47 6.2.64


Documentation link | Buy Pro Version Now | Demo link Use this plugin to allow delivery date and time [youtube] Watch How to sort product and sub category in Menu


It is not installing

Just make sure WooCommerce is pre-installed and active on your website

Where is my menu page

Plugin converts your WooCommerce cart page into your menu page, so your WooCommerce cart page is converted into the menu page.

I don't see Menu on Cart page

Make sure you have set a cart page for your site from the WooCommerce > settings > Advanced (tab) -> Cart Page, if you have not set the cart page from WooCommerce setting then WooCommerce will show its own default cart page and this plugin won't work properly

My Shop page is redirecting to menu page

By default, it will redirect your shop page to your cart or menu page. We have added this because we think you won't need shop page as all your product will be on the menu page, but if you still want that sho page then you can have our Pro version it has the option to disable this feature

My Single product page is redirecting to menu page

All the single product will be redirected to the menu page, but if you don't want that redirect then you can use our Pro version it has the option to disable this feature

Product image is not shown

Pro version has the option to enable this feature

Open menu with the product from a specific category

Say you have a category page and you want to link them to the menu page, but you want to show the menu specific to that category then you can do that, just add ?cat_id=(id if the category that you want to show) E.g on our demo site, this will open "Magic of Basmati" this will open "Indian food" If you add a nonexisting cat_id then it will show the default category (selected in plugin setting)

Show Short description below Item name(PRO)

Now you can show a short description below the product name in the menu, this option is only in Paid version

Can I change the cart position in menu page layout

Yes you can do that in the pro version, it gives you option of 4 different positions Cart to the left product on the right Product on right cart to the left Product on top and cart to the bottom Cart to top and products on the bottom

I don't want to show the out of stock product

In the pro version, there is an option to remove out of stock product from the menu

I want to set minimum item that must be selected in a side dish

Yes you can set a minimum item amount number in each of the side dish group, if you set minimum item amount then the customer won't be able to add that product to cart until he selects that many item from that particular group

Can i add side dishes to variable product

No, side dishes can only be added to the simple product

Variable product are shown in the Menu, can I remove them from menu

In pro version there is option disable the variable product from appearing in menu

How the variable product are shown

Variable product will open in a popup on the menu page itself and the user can select the variation and then add the product to cart

I want to sort the products

Yes you can sort it using WooCommerce default sorting method and it will follow that sorting

I don't want to show the cart all the time instead give the option to user so they can see there cart

This can be done in the pro version, it will allow the user to see the hide the cart and view it when he want to see the product added

Can i copy side dish across different product

Yes, there is a Side dish template option, you can make template in there and reuse them on the product page

I want to change the color of the menu

Yes, plugin allows you to change most of the plugin element color from within the plugin setting

Food type is missing from the site

We have introduced a option for food type you will have to enable it from plugn setting "Design Tab"

Menu load slower

We have implemented caching to make the Ajax loading of the product faster, you have to enable this option in the Speed settings tab.

My product changes are not showing on menu page

If you have caching enable in the plugin make sure to delete your cache after you have made changes in the plugin settings, Products, or Category

I want to show come custom product types in the menu

You can add custom product type using the filter function like below add_filter('pisol_rm_product_type_filter', function($type){ return array('simple', 'variable'); });

Can user add side dishes from the single product page

Yes from the version we have given the option to allow customer to add side dishes from single product page as well

If you don't want to show the product selection option on your cart page then you can disable that feature

you can disable that feature by adding the below code in your theme functions.php file add_filter('pisol_rm_disable_cart_page_overwrite', '__return_true');

I will like to show the product image on the mobile

There is an option in the Design tab to enable the product image for the mobile devices as well

Is it HPOS compatible

Yes the Free version and PRO version both are HPOS compatible


6.2.46 6.2.7 v6.2.6 v6.2.0