Easily integrate the data provided by Handball4All on your website. You will create shortcodes for timetables, standings and next matches and configure them individually. An intelligent caching algorithm ensures that the data is only loaded when necessary.
✨ Features
- Integrate shortcodes on any pages or blog posts (also custom post types).
- Activate the intelligent caching mechanism to decrease http requests without bloating your server load.
- German translation included.
- Create standings for leagues.
- Hide columns in standing table.
- Create timetables for leagues and teams.
- Highlight your team in standings and timetables.
- Create a list of next matches for one or more teams.
- Activate or deactivate individual shortcodes without disturbing your remaining content.
- Remove default CSS if you want to style the items yourself.
Beach Vectors by Vecteezy
Installing the plugin is easy. Just follow one of the following methods:
Install Results for Handball4All from within Wordpress
- Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’
- Search for \"Results for Handball4All\"
- Activate Results for Handball4All from your Plugins page
- You\'re done!
Install Results for Handball4All Manually
- From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins --> Add New.
- Select the Upload option and hit \"Choose File.\"
- When the popup appears select the results-h4a-x.x.zip file from your desktop. (The \'x.x\' will change depending on the current version number).
- Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
- When it\'s finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A message will show confirming activation was successful.
That\'s it!