Our goal was to create a reuseable admin panel that can be used by various plugins without having to build or include classes of the same code in multiple plugins, while at the same time being quick to setup.
Download the
example plugin to get up and running as quick as possible.
Have suggestions? Submit a Pull Requests via
- Bootstrap
- Font-Awesome Field Info Buttons and Sidebar Info Helper
- jQuery Dynamic Navigation
- Validation using validator.js
- Automatic sanitization and saving of options
- Method built to easily get individual options
- Settings Grouped Under One Option in Database (Saved as Multi-Dimensional Array)
- Bootstrap Spinner Preloader (Prevents Layout Shifting on Load)
- Removes notices from other plugins when displaying admin panel
- Prevent users from deactivating by displaying a sweetalert2 to deactivate the plugin using the dependency.
- Switch
- Text
- [NEW] Textarea
- Email
- Password
- Number
- Dropdown
- Date
- Time
- Color
- Dropdown Toggle - Additional fields can be added under a dropdown which show/hide based on selected option
- Button - Add multiple buttons that can link or be targeted in custom JS