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WP Tripadvisor Review Widgets

开发者 trustindex
更新时间 2025年3月6日 22:22
捐献地址: 去捐款
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


hotels reviews restaurant accommodation tripadvisor


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Display your Tripadvisor reviews for free with our responsive widgets in 2 minutes. The plugin displays your Tripadvisor reviews in amazing predesigned widgets. You can simply create and display your own widgets, and filter your reviews to build customers' trust and increase SEO. [vimeo] If you run a business in the hospitality or leisure industry, then Tripadvisor is likely a review platform that you're more than familiar with. After all, it's the number one place most people head to for information about hotels, restaurants, and bars before a trip. As a result, it's a good idea to capitalize on this popularity and display your best Tripadvisor reviews on your website with this widget plugin. If you can prove to prospective customers that you have a solid reputation in your industry, then you can effectively build social proof and generate more sales in the long run. With the widget, you'll have access to various styles and ways of displaying the reviews, so you can find the aesthetic that works best for your business.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the menu item on the left to configure the plugin.
  4. You can get premium features under the "Get more Features" tab!


  • Sample widget - Grid (light background)
  • Sample widget - List (light background)
  • Connect platform easily
  • Select layouts easily


What is the Tripadvisor Reviews Wordpress plugin?

This FAQ is for you, if you do not already know why it's worth displaying Tripadvisor reviews. You can find more info and Troubleshooting in the plugin's admin dashboard after install. The plugin is a useful tool for displaying Tripadvisor reviews on your company's WordPress website. With the plugin you can increase your SEO and build trust.

How to get the installation code of the WP Tripadvisor Review Widgets plugin?

Download the plugin from the official Wordpress Plugin Directory and activate it (in your Wordpress site's admin panel). You will find the plugin's admin dashboard in your WordPress admin menu (mainly at the left side), named “Trustindex”.

Can you use the widget without a subscription?

Yes, you can, there's no obligation to subscribe to Trustindex to claim your widget.

How to add reviews from Tripadvisor to your website?

  1. Download and activate the plugin
  2. Connect the plugin with your Tripadvisor company profile
  3. Choose your widget appearance (40 widget types)
  4. Choose your widget style (25 widget style)
  5. Configure your widget (filter your ratings)
  6. Embed the reviews with our shortcodes to your Wordpress website

Does the widget suit your CMS or site builder?

Yes. The widget fits with the following site builders: Adobe Muse, BigCommerce, Blogger, Drupal, Facebook Page, Elementor, Joomla, jQuery, iFrame, Magento, HTML, ModX, OpenCart, Shopify, Squarespace, Webflow, Webnode, Weebly, Wix, WordPress, WooCommerce, Google Sites, GoDaddy

What is the best way to use reviews from Tripadvisor on your website?

For maximum efficiency of the plugin, embed your Tripadvisor reviews on the home page in the form of a slider I or Slider II. Another option is to create a separate section with reviews about your business.

How to collect Tripadvisor reviews?

You can easily collect more reviews by reaching out to existing customers by email and letting them know how much it helps the business when they provide feedback. Be sure to include a link to your Tripadvisor reviews page in your correspondence with customers.

How can you filter Tripadvisor reviews?

You can filter Tripadvisor reviews after you've selected a layout and style for your widget. On the "Set up widget" tab, simply navigate down to "Filter your ratings" section.

Can you hide negative Tripadvisor reviews?

Yes, if you want you can choose to hide reviews without comments and the rating text. You can also choose to only display reviews four stars and above for example.

Can you make a Review Carousel with the widget? How?

Yes, as you go through the process of setting up your widget, you'll notice that there are several "Slider" styles to choose from. These styles will present your reviews in a review carousel style.

Can you modify the widget later?

Of course! It's easy to go back into the plugin page and make any adjustments. You do not need to change the content of your pages/posts, because the shortcode will be the same, it will be unchanged.


The change log and upgrade notices can be found here: