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开发者 christopheran
更新时间 2023年4月1日 12:04
PHP版本: 8.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


google subscription subscribe revenue publisher reader center with subscribe with google swg




New! RevPress makes it easy to add Google's Subscribe with Google code snippets to your site. Simply paste the code snippet into the RevPress plugin and select to display the subscription/contribution prompt on: The code snippets trigger Subscribe with Google subscription or contribution prompts on your selected posts and pages. Additional features include the ability to: After installing and activating RevPress, be sure to click on the Guide tab for additional tips and information.


RevPress is a standard WordPress plugin and can be installed and activated through your WordPress admin section. Just search for RevPress in the WP plugins repository and install and activate. RevPress may also be downloaded to your computer and uploaded, installed, and activated through your WP Admin plugins section. Minimum Requirements


How can I get help with RevPress?

= What is Subscribe with Google? Subscribe with Google is a service from Google that allows you to offer subscriptions or request contributions to your site using Google's payment system, Google Pay. Please note that Subscribe with Google is currently in beta. Expect changes and additional features to be added over time. For more information, see our overview of Subscribe with Google. = How do I sign up for Subscribe with Google? Subscribe with Google is currently in beta. Publishers must request access to participate. Here's more on how to register for Subscribe with Google. = What countries is Subscribe with Google available in? Currently Subscribe with Google is available to publishers and subscribers in the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. Learn more. If you need free help with the RevPress plugin, please use the official Wordpress RevPress Support Forum. If you are a RevPress Pro member, please visit our RevPress Pro Private Member-Only Forum.

Where can I get help with Subscribe with Google?

If you need help with Subscribe with Google (applying, billing, managing subscribers, payments), you can ask for help on Google's Publisher Center Help Forum or contact Google's official Subscribe with Google* Publisher Support.


1.1.4 RevPress initial public release