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Roost Web Push

开发者 noticesoftware
更新时间 2018年2月28日 05:53
PHP版本: 4.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


google widget posts plugin links page dashboard wordpress ajax admin mobile social news new post apple mac Firefox notifications services push Android push notifications web push notifications Chrome web push mobile notifications goroost desktop notifications Safari osx Chrome Notifications Chrome OS Mavericks Yosemite Roost Post Roost notifications


2.0.3 2.1.8 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.4.0 2.5.0 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.0.1 2.0.2 2.0.4 2.0.5 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2.0 2.3.0 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7


Web Push by Roost allows websites to send notifications to their site visitors for updates about new posts. This plugin supports Chrome notifications and Safari for desktop. Plugin Features: Roost account needed - Custom plans available. [youtube]


From your WordPress dashboard
  1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New'
  2. Search for 'Roost'
  3. Activate Roost from your Plugins page
  4. (a) Create your Roost account - (Click on "sign up now") OR (b) Log In an Existing Account - Click "Log In" and enter your username and password
  1. Download the Roost Web Push Wordpress Plugin.
  2. Upload the 'Roost' directory to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  3. Activate Roost Web Push from your Plugins page.
  4. (a) Create your Roost account - (Click on "sign up now") OR (b) Log In an Existing Account - Click "Log In" and enter your username and password
Using Features Chrome Notifications To use notifications in Chrome just activate the plugin and sign into your Roost account, we take care of the rest. The necessary files are dynamically generated upon request, eliminating the need to upload additional files or potentially change directory permissions. If you're curious, for detailed information view our Chrome Integration Guide. Safari Push Notifications To use Safari Web Push, simply activate the Roost plugin. No additional setup is needed. Category Filters With Auto Push enabled, you can select which categories are excluded from triggering notifications. Notifications on Updates A checkbox is now displayed above the Publish button when updating posts. If you want to send a notification when updating, just put a tick in the box. Easy. Notification Prompt Control Control how and when you display the subscription prompt to your site visitors. From the settings tab, you can set a minimum number of visits, or create a link or button to trigger the prompt. When a button or link is used, if the browser is not able to receive push notifications, we will automatically hide the link or button. Custom Notification Headlines Use custom text for your notification headline by setting it underneath the standard post content. If you set a custom headline, it will be used for your notification. Not setting a headline will default to your post title. bbPress With the bbPress extension for Roost, an additional subscribe option will appear next to the default bbPress subscription links. (This does NOT replace traditional subscription methods, only adds a new browser push channel.) Options include Forum subscriptions, Topic subscriptions, and subscribing to your individual posts. Notifications are sent about new content only to the visitors that have subscribed to the forum, topic, or post. Auto Push Auto Push is what makes this plugin stellar. When you create a new post, your post's title, link, and featured image (Note: featured image will be used for the custom image with Chrome's notifications) will be sent to all of your subscribed readers. That's it. Really. You don't have to do anything else. (It works just like magic.) When enabled, an auto push override check box is also placed on your post's admin page. If for some reason you do not want a notification to go out for that post, just check the box when publishing. Manual Post Mode With Auto Push disabled, a checkbox will appear just above the Publish button on your post page. Simply check the box Send Notification with Roost and a notification will be sent when publishing. Send Manual Alert You can send a manual notification to all subscribed users by entering your message text in the "Notification Text" box and a link in the "Notification Link" box. Roost Analytics & Roost JS Detailed metrics are provided in the dashboard. These metrics include subscribes, notifications sent, reads, and more. Advanced Settings - Use Segmented Send Use WordPress categories to target notifications based on Roost segments. DISCLAIMER You must be assigning users segments to send notifications. If not, notificaitons will not be sent to your subscribers. Advanced Settings - Use Custom Script In some cases, we’ll ask you to use a custom script. Paste it in the text area shown. (Enabling this feature will not include the normal Roost.js)


  • Roost plugin from the WordPress dashboard showing analytics.
  • Powerful control on how your visitors can subscribe and how your notifications are sent.
  • Subscribe to Chrome notifications in Android! Receive Chrome notifications on Android! (OMG! LOL! IKR! FTW! LOLZ.)
  • Chrome dialog in Mac OS X.
  • Opt-in on Chrome in Windows. (Wait... What? We know right? Windows! #Boom!)
  • Notification being delivered on Chrome in Mac.
  • Chrome notification tray on OS X.
  • Subscription control from Chrome notification tray.
  • Easy for visitors to subscribe to your site in Safari. Easy peasy!
  • Notifications will be delivered in the top-right corner of your subscribers screen. (Safari)
  • Log in to your Roost account.
  • Roost plugin from the WordPress dashboard showing analytics.
  • Powerful control on how your visitors can subscribe and how your notifications are sent.
  • Subscribe to Chrome notifications in Android! Receive Chrome notifications on Android! (OMG! LOL! IKR! FTW! LOLZ.)
  • Chrome dialog in Mac OS X.


  • MAJOR - Bugfix - Change API for notifiaction calls
  • Removed Upgrade Notice
  • Minor Bugfix - Upgrade Notice
  • Added ability to send for all post types. Custom post types included.
  • MAJOR - Bugfix - Must upgrade to support new releases of Chrome (m45+)
  • Support for older versions of PHP ( Compatible with PHP < v5.3 )
  • MAJOR - Bugfix - Old Chrome files need be present until after ServiceWorker upgrade takes place.
  • The Bell is here!!! & MAJOR - Chrome files dynamically served - Eliminates chance of file / dir permission errors.
  • MAJOR - Bugfix - Chrome files not generated on plugin upgrade.
  • Minor - UX tweaks - HTTPS check now non-blocking notice not warning.
  • Chrome Push Notifications Now Available!!! (#Boom! So much win... This feels good.)
  • Exclude categories from Auto Push - Send notification on post updates - Targeted sending with Roost segments - Custom script option
  • Fixed URL causing W3C validation error -- removed invalid metrics in dashboard
  • Major updates to roost.js (Performance updates and new APIs)
  • Moved custom headline field to meta box on post screen
  • Fixed bug with scheduled posts
  • Added prompt control and option for custom text on notifications when publishing a post. Also, pre-check compatible with WordPress v4.0
  • Bugfix - Fixed bug that prevented stats from displaying when WordPress admin accessed via HTTPS
  • RoostJS now served from CDN (BAM! Blazing fast! You didn't see that one did you?)
  • Removed mobile app setting
  • Fixed a bug when sending manual notifications from the dashboard and with charts
  • Fixed bug that prevented Roost admin screen from showing in PHP versions older than 5.3.0
  • Charts and Graphs! bbPress support! Plugin redesign! Other Major Updates! Does it get any better?
  • Now supports Auto Push when posting from the WordPress mobile app and by email via Jetpack by
  • Limited Auto Push to 'post' types only. Fixes situation with other plugin's custom post types triggering notifications.
  • Now with support for Scheduled Notifications! Bam! Oh, and some bugfixes and other cool stuff.
  • Corrected Total Time On Site calculation
  • Fixed additional bug with character encoding
  • Adjusted styling on admin pages
  • Fixed bug that prevented notifications from sending
  • Bug fixes and analytics. Simplified interface and design update to match Wordpress 3.8 design.


What does Roost cost?

Roost offers custom rate plans determined by the features you use, number of notifications per month sent, and depth of segmentation. Plans start at $399 / mo. Contact Roost at

Is it really this easy to use push notifications in Chrome, Android, and Safari on my site?

Yup! Cool right?

Do I need and Apple Developer Account or Google Developer account?

Nah. We've got you covered.

Do you support Firefox web push?

Sure do!

Do my readers / subscribers have to create an account with Roost?

Nope. Just you.


2.5.0 2.4.0 2.3.9 2.3.8 2.3.7 2.3.6 2.3.5 2.3.4 2.3.3 2.3.2 2.3.1 2.3.0 2.2.0 2.1.8 2.1.7 2.1.6 2.1.5 2.1.4 2.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.1 2.1 2.0.5 2.0.4 2.0.3 2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0 1.1 1.0