Linux 软件免费装


开发者 Gorkfu
更新时间 2009年9月17日 08:35
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8.4


facebook social media facebook share digg reddit social bookmarking social bookmark yahoo buzz dzone buzz digg it


1.0.5 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.6 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5


What This Plugin Does: Displays social media buttons of your choice for each post/page. You can currently select from any of the following buttons/badges: digg, dZone, Facebook, reddit and Yahoo Buzz. Features: Digg/Yahoo Buzz Only Features: Digg Only Features: Features Planned or in Development:


  1. Upload the "S-ButtonZ" folder to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress
  3. Click "Setting" tab and find a link to "S-ButtonZ" options
  4. Fill out the options


Which version of WordPress is supported?

WordPress 2.7.x to 2.8.x is currently supported. This plugin has not been tested on any versions before 2.7.

How do I hide a button on a single post or page?

Include the following code in your post or page: For Digg buttons: <!--diggZ=none--> For dZone buttons: <!--dzoneZ=none--> For Facebook buttons: <!--faceZ=none--> For reddit buttons: <!--reddZ=none--> For Yahoo Buzz! buttons: <!--buzzZ=none-->

What is the Media Scan Feature Used For? (Digg/Yahoo Buzz Only)

Digg and Yahoo Buzz submissions are either submitted as news, images or videos. In the admin settings you may only choose one default media value for each button type (IE. Digg, Buzz). If you have a page or post that needs to use a different type of media other than the chosen default then you will need to utilize the media scan feature. All you will need to do is include one of the following html comments in your post or page. <!--SBZ=news--> OR <!--SBZ=image--> OR <!--SBZ=video--> Note: If you used the old digg/yahoo buzz scan feature your pages will need to be updated to the new html comments above in order to work correctly.

Can I manually place my buttons?

Yes, use the following shortcode in your post where you would like your button to appear. [SButtonZ button="BUTTON"] Replace BUTTON with one of the following, digg, dzon, face, redd, yaho

Where Can I Submit Feature Requests and Bug Reports?

You may submit feedback and bug reports via our feedback forum


1.1.5 - 9/17/09 1.1.4 - 6/13/09 1.1.3 - 5/16/09 1.1.2 - 5/05/09 1.1.1 - 5/03/09 1.1.0 - 5/02/09 1.0.6 - 3/21/09 1.0.5 - 3/19/09 1.0.4 - 3/19/09 1.0.3 - 3/18/09 1.0.2 - 2/24/09 1.0.1 - 2/22/09 1.0.0 - 2/21/09