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Saturday Site Blocker

开发者 arikdpc
更新时间 2025年2月17日 00:02
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


site maintenance shabbat site blocker religious observance


1.1 1.0


Saturday Site Blocker helps site owners observe Shabbat by displaying a customizable overlay on the front-end of the website during Shabbat hours. The plugin fetches Shabbat times based on the specified location and ensures the site remains inaccessible to visitors during these times, promoting rest and reflection. Features:


  1. Upload the saturday-site-blocker folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to 'Settings' -> 'Saturday Site Blocker' to configure the plugin:
  4. Enable or disable the site blocker.
  5. Set the overlay title and content.
  6. Specify your location for accurate Shabbat times.
  7. Customize the overlay background color and opacity.
  8. Upload an image to be displayed on the overlay. If an image is selected, it will replace the title and content text.


  • **Overlay Display:** Example of the full-page overlay shown to visitors during Shabbat.


1.1 Added options for overlay background color, opacity, and image upload. 1.0 Initial release. No upgrades available at this time.


How does the plugin determine Shabbat times?

The plugin fetches Shabbat times from the Hebcal API based on the location specified in the settings.

Can administrators access the site during Shabbat?

Yes, administrators with the 'manage_options' capability can bypass the overlay to manage the site during Shabbat.

Is it possible to customize the overlay's appearance?

Yes, the plugin allows customization of the overlay's title, content, background color, and opacity through the settings page. You can also upload an image to be displayed on the overlay. If an image is selected, it will replace the title and content text.


1.1 1.0