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Scouting OpenID Connect

开发者 jobvk
更新时间 2025年2月24日 05:06
PHP版本: 8.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


openid connect oidc scouting scouting nederland sol


1.0.1 1.0.0


A WordPress plugin for logging in with Scouting Nederland OpenID Connect Server. This plugin allows users to authenticate and login to their WordPress websites using their Scouting Nederland OpenID Connect credentials. It provides a secure and convenient way for Scouting Nederland members to access their WordPress sites without the need for separate login credentials. With this plugin, users can seamlessly integrate their Scouting Nederland accounts with their WordPress websites, enhancing the user experience and simplifying the login process.


Make sure you have the role webmaster in
  1. Go to, click on Managed websites and click on Add OpenID Connect connection.
  2. Add the name of your group/website.
  3. Add the Redirect URI, for example:
  4. Add the Post Logout Redirect URI, for example:
  5. Select the scopes you want to use. The email scope is required; the profile and membership scopes are optional.
  6. Select the organizations that can log in. If your organization has sub-organizations, you can also select Allow suborganizations.
  7. Press Add Website.
  8. Find the website you just created and click on ⓘ.
  9. Copy the client ID, client secret, and the scopes to your website.
  10. Fill in the OpenID Connect Settings with the copied data. Make sure the required scopes, openid and email, are present.
  11. Fill in the General Settings. If you want to store the name, birthdate, or gender, use the scope profile. If you also want the SOL ID, use the scope membership.
  12. Press Save Settings.
  13. Log out and try to log in with the Scouts Login button.


  • Settings Page
  • Shortcode Page
  • Support Page


  • Initial release


Do i need to be part of Scouting Nederland to use this?

Yes, the OpenID Connect server is used to identify people and only allows access when they are members of the appropriate organization within Scouting Nederland. To set up the system at Scouting Nederland, you need webmaster privileges for your scouting group.

Are there settings for this plugin?

Yes, there is a settings page where you can set up a redirect after login, configure the name the user gets in their profile, and enforce that.

Can roles also be imported into WordPress from SOL?

Currently not, but this is planned for a future update of this plugin.


1.0.1 1.0.0