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JSM Screenshot Machine Shortcode

开发者 jsmoriss
更新时间 2025年1月20日 04:38
PHP版本: 7.4.33 及以上
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


shortcode screenshot machine


2.2.0 2.3.0 3.0.0


Shortcode to include images from Screenshot Machine in your content. SSM Shortcode Required Attributes: You can find the {customer API key} in your Screenshot Machine dashboard. The {webpage url} is the web page URL you want to capture in the screenshot. SSM Shortcode Optional Attributes: SSM Shortcode Attribute Details: The dimension="{width x height}" attribute examples: The days="{cache expiration}" attribute value is a number of days that a screenshot should be used before a new one is created (default is 14). The wait="{ms}" attribute value is a number of milliseconds to wait before capturing the screenshot (default is 200). The click="{css selector}", hide="{css selectors}", and select="{css selector}" attribute values are CSS class and/or id selectors. For example: The title="{title}" attribute value is a text string for the image alt and anchor title attributes. The link="{yes|no}" attribute value will determine if the image is linked to the web page URL or not. The target="{name}" attribute opens the link in that target (default is "_blank"). An empty string, "_self", "_top", "_parent", or an HTML frame are other possible values. The refresh="{yes|no}" attribute value includes javascript to retry the image every second until it's available (for a maximum of 10 seconds). SSM Shortcode Example: [ssm key="abc123" url="" dimension="800x600"]


3.0.0 (2025/01/17) None. 2.3.0 (2021/06/28) Updated the API URL from http to https.


Version Numbering Version components: {major}.{minor}.{bugfix}[-{stage}.{level}] Repositories Changelog / Release Notes Version 3.0.0 (2025/01/17) Version 2.3.0 (2021/06/28)