Search Storm allows you to search for an article by combining multiple categories
Search Storm allows you to search:
- entering a keyword without selecting a category
- entering a keyword and selecting one or more categories
- Upload this plugin to your Wordpress plugin directory( generally wp-content/plugins/ ).
- Activate it in admin area.
- Your theme should have a hardcoded search form or you should add a "Search" widget to sidebar to allow visitors searching.
Search Storm is working now!
- If Search Storm doesn't work, check whether or not there is a "searchform.php" file in your current theme directory, if not, you don't need do anything; If yes, edit this "searchform.php" following the below instructions:
Your theme's "searchform.php" file may looks like below, with some other codes:
add the
<?php if(function_exists('wss_add_form_field')) wss_add_form_field(); ?>
code to proper place inside
element, in most cases you can put it just after
button and before
close tag.
That's all. You may want to add css styles to make search form nicer.