Linux 软件免费装


开发者 Sellector GmbH
更新时间 2015年4月25日 23:26
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2
版权: GPLv2


search filter product filter configurator product configurator facetted search Konfigurator Prouktkonfigurator Facettensuche Produkt-Filter


0.0.1 0.0.2 0.0.3


A. Creation
  1. Klick on the "Sellector" post type in the left bar of the wordpress admin panel
  2. Klick on "add new"
  3. Assing a Title to name the new Sellector
  4. Use the configurator to select the Sellector data source and customize the presentation of the Sellector
  5. Press Button "Overwrite Template Code with Configrator results" to copy the settings to your Sellector
  6. (optional) Adapt the template code in the "Template Code" box (Experts only)
  7. Press publish to store the Sellector B. Embedding into page or post
  8. Create a page or post
  9. Switch the edtior (TinyMCE) to view mode
  10. Move cursor to the position where you want to place the sellector
  11. click on the orange "S"-symbol
  12. Select on of the previously generated Sellectors (see "A. Creation")
  13. Move (Copy&Paste) the shortcodes independently to freely position selection and result area of the Sellector within your post
  14. Preview, save or publish your post.