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Sendit WP Newsletter

开发者 Giuseppe Surace
更新时间 2019年6月7日 05:04
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.1


widget newsletter subscription form mailing list mailinglist


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Sendit enables you to send newsletters and collect subscribers from your blog. You can manage one or more lists and put the subscription form via a shortcode in post/pages or using the Sendit widget. You can extract content from post or pages or create your own content to send to subscribers, now also with featured images. Furthermore, you can edit template for each mailing lists by just writing some html and css code on header and footer. Checkout Sendit Official Website to extend your plugin with a lot of features: 产品特点 Premium plugins 更新记录 Version 2 is completely rebuilt based on custom post type. It gives you the chance to send more than 1 post selected from the custom post type panel newsletter, using pro version allows you to send professional newsletter scheduled and with wonderful responsive and customizable templates. If you are a Woocommerce user it's possible to include also your products in your newsletter. All other information (general, changelog, installation, upgrade, usage) you need about this plugin can be found here: Sendit readme.


  1. Upload sendit dir to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. 通过WordPress的的“Plugins”菜单激活插件
  3. Go to settings and edit your mailing list or create new one
  4. Setup (if needed) your SMTP favorite settings
  5. Setup (if you have large list) the interval and how many emails to sends
  6. if you need to send large mailing list get the pro version at Sendit Readme (Installation Tab)