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Definite SEO – Supercharge Site SEO, Boost Rankings with the Best SEO Plugin

开发者 definiteseo
更新时间 2025年1月23日 21:26
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


seo redirection sitemap schema local seo


1.0.4 1.0.5


Definite SEO - Top WordPress SEO Plugin DefiniteSEO is a WordPress SEO Plugin that is built to optimize your website’s search engine visibility with precision and ease, delivering impressive results. By providing a complete suite of SEO solutions, DefiniteSEO streamlines essential processes such as keyword analysis, on-page optimization, and automated configurations to boost your site's visibility in search results. Its user-friendly interface ensures that users of all skill levels can implement effective SEO strategies, resulting in higher search rankings, increased organic traffic, and substantial growth for your WordPress site. Here are some of the top features of DefiniteSEO Plugin


  • This screen shot describes how you can fine tune your keyword calculation settings
  • How DefiniteSEO can help you fine tune your website posts
  • This is a preview of DefiniteSEO post side options with Gutenberg editor enabled.
  • Learn how you can easily do the internal linking on your website.
  • How to manually add/modify title and description on your pages/posts


This is the first version, so there is no upgrade advise.


Is DefiniteSEO designed for Beginners or experts?

DefiniteSEO is the best option for both beginners and advance users.

Is this plugin compatible with Block Editors?

DefiniteSEO is compatible with Gutenberg and other top editors.

How much server resources does DefiniteSEO takes

It is a very lightweight and well optimized plugin, so it takes very optimal server resources.

What type of sitemaps does it support

Definite SEO support creating XML Sitemaps for all your content types in addition to Video and News Sitemaps

Does it support Local SEO

Local SEO is supported out of the box

Does it support creating Breadcrumbs

Sure, you can easily add breadcrumbs by copy/pasting the breadcrumbs shortcode

How often you will be updating this plugin

We are actively developing Definite SEO from a long back.

