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SEO with FanNewscast

开发者 itagility
更新时间 2015年11月5日 06:42
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


google links seo seo content seo plugin seo optimization SEO facebook news trending curated content fannewscast fannewscast plugin content channel



The SEO with FanNewscast plugin allows you to pull trending, curated news from your configured FanNewscast content channel. What is a content channel? A content channel is stream of curated news (or curated stream of news) that is specifically targeted to your audience and ranked by "the crowd" by aggregating social metrics from popular social platforms such as Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. Benefits & Features: Important: This plugin requires one or more active FanNewcast content channels. You can request your content channels and activate your AppId by going to FanNewscast.


  1. Log In as an Admin on your WordPress blog.
  2. Click on the "Plugins" option in the left-sash.
  3. Click "Add New".
  4. Click "Upload".
  5. Upload the file.
  6. After the upload is finished, click Activate Plugin.
  7. Click on the "FanNewscast" tab that should now apear on the left-sash.
  8. Enter your FanNewscast Appid. NOTE: If you don't have a FanNewscast Content Channel then go here to request one.
  9. After the appid is entered you can paste the shortcode generated from the FanNewscast editor into your posts to dynamically import trending news.


  • This is an example of the plugin in work with an active content channel.  This content channel show the trending hip hop across the internet for the day, week, month or year. (default day)
  • You can curate your content channel through powerful curation tools such as keyword filtering or blocking, and excluding sources.  You can also create a content channel with a list of hand-picked sources as well.
  • You can select additional one-time options for a given page or post and have the shortcode generated.  This is an example of ShortCode being generated for the top articles of the day with Jay-z in the title within the hip hop category.
  • Paste the generated shortcode into a page or page.  Any additional text or content can be included with the short code.
  • The FanNewscast settings page. This is where you enter your Appid and are able to customized the look-and-feel of the new and fix any templating issues.


How does SEO with Content Channels work?

This plugin allows you to easily integrate your FanNewcast content channel into Wordpress. All you need to do is install the plugin, include your appid, and then use the Shortcode to dynamically import trending news from your content channel into your Wordpress site.

What is a content channel?

A content channel is stream of curated news (or curated stream of news) that is specifically targeted to your audience and ranked by "the crowd" by aggregating social metrics from popular social platforms such as Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.

How would I use this plugin?

There are many possibilities such as:

  1. Create dedicated pages that show trending news from your content channel.
  2. Create a page of latest news that's searchable. Think of it just like Google news but with curated sources just for your vertical.
  3. Append your posts with top articles that are relevant to your post topic. NOTE: This is done by filtering your content channel by specific keyword or keyword phrases.

How do I get an AppID?

The first step is to submit a request on so that they can create your content channel. Please include the topics or subjects that you would like to include in your content channel. Once the channel has been created and you've tweaked (or curated) the content to your liking, you will need to activate your subscription. Once your subscription is active the appid will be activated and you can use the ShortCode in your posts. ShortCode can be generated from the FanNewscast editor.


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