Seopic is a free WordPress plugin that optimizes your images for search engines. It automatically generates optimized file names for your images and updates the path of your images in the post or page content.
Yes, Seopic requires no technical knowledge or experience with SEO to use. Simply install the plugin, and let Seopic handle the rest.
Seopic renames your images when the alt text is edited or added to a default WordPress media block, such as Image, Gallery, Cover, or Media & Text. It also supports Featured Images of posts. The original image is saved in the media library, and a new copy of the image with a newly generated, optimized file name is created. Seopic then automatically updates the path of your optimized image in the post or page content.
Yes, Seopic supports all popular image formats, including JPEG, SVG, WEBP, PNG, GIF, and more.
The plugin uses for the file name format the alt text of the media, ending with a random 14 chars. For example, if your media has alt text "Grassy hills near mountains" then the generated file name can have format grassy-hills-near-mountains-bmu7yhxaluhkhm.jpg.
Seopic improves your search engine rankings by optimizing your images for search engines, increasing your visibility and driving more traffic to your website. It also saves you time by automating the image optimization process and is easy to implement and manage.
Yes, Seopic saves the original images in your media library, so you can still access them if needed.
The time it takes to rename images with Seopic depends on two factors: the number of images in a post or page, and the size of the image files. If a post or page contains a large number of images or if the image files are large in size, it may take longer to rename all of the images. However, Seopic is designed to be fast and efficient, and in most cases, the image renaming process should be quick and seamless.
Yes, Seopic is updated regularly to stay ahead of the latest SEO trends and algorithms, ensuring that your images are always optimized for the best possible results.